If it's not one thing, it's another... Or at least that's what it seems like lately with my running.
As most of you know, if you've been following along with me on my running journey lately, I have had a bum hip. The issue started before
my last full marathon, which was on October 2nd, but really 'blew up' after my race (I'm so thankful that I was able to run a BQ time
at that race before the pain really set in). I have been running since, but I would say for the last seven weeks or so my training has been greatly impacted... doing a lot more biking, yoga, walking, etc.
The hubby and I are currently between insurance since
he started a new job at the beginning of November (thankfully it will kick in on January 1st), so the only 'professional' opinion/ help that I have been able to get on my hip was from my chiropractor. She believes that it was my psoas muscle. I did a series of adjustments, modified my workouts, used an electronic pulse massager to try and get the issues worked out, stretched, rolled, shed some tears, etc.
Thankfully a couple weeks ago I would say that the pain let up. Don't get me wrong, the hip still felt funky (which I could feel when I was running and it was especially obvious when I was stretching since I had very little flexibility or mobility on the right side), but I was stoked to be pain free.
Well, shortly after my hip started playing nice, my next few runs had major stomach issues. I will spare you the details, but I would legit be running from bathroom to bathroom on them. I don't know if it was what I was eating, when during the day I was running, or just that my stomach was no longer used to being jostled around on runs. It happened on any of my runs that were over 4 miles and the problem lasted for at least 2 weeks.
Once the stomach issues subsided I was hopeful that I could get back into my Phoenix Marathon training plan. [Originally I was planning on attempting to run a sub 3:30, but with the way my body has been acting lately I know that my goals will be greatly impacted and finishing the distance will be the main priority for the race now.] My speed was greatly affected (and I would say that my hip is still not 100% so I am taking runs easy while building up my distance/ base), but I was hoping I could at least run consistently, happily, and pain-free...
I guess the joke was on me. When we were back in Michigan visiting family for the holidays, we went to a trampoline park with our nephews... Well, let's just say my fibromyalgia + jumping on trampolines did
NOT lead to living happily ever after... It has been over a week since our jumping adventure and my back is still screwed up. I think the error wasn't so much in jumping, but we had a 'race' where we would jump, then twist around, and then jump to the next trampoline. The whipping myself around in a circle I think is where my downfall arose.
Since then I have got in my runs (although the 13.1 miles I was supposed to do while in Michigan had to be broken up into two runs), but they have been rough. The heating pad and Tylenol are my new (old) best friends. It legit hurts to take deep breaths most of the time. I am doing my best to listen to my body, but also trying my hardest to get in the mileage necessary to be able to complete the Phoenix Marathon in February (and the Los Angeles Marathon in March).
Here's to hoping my body starts feeling like its old self soon and I can get back to being able to #RunHappy...
What's the longest you've had to deal with an injury?