Tuesday, October 14, 2014

PRO Compression GIVEAWAY!

Remember how I posted last week about some of my fall racing MUST HAVES?! Well, if you don't, feel free to check it out here (and while you are at it, you should probably subscribe to my blog so you don't miss other great posts ;)).

Fall Racing Must Have
A snapshot of that post... Does it look familiar?! 

The first item on my list was PRO Compression Gear!! With having a goal of 14 races in 2014 (and shoot doggy, I already have 7 scheduled for 2015 and that only includes my January and February's calendars at this point), you KNOW I need something to help with the recovery after my long runs and hard workouts!

True Graduated Compression

Step number one to getting help is admitting you have a problem, right?! Well, I will be the first to admit, I think I have a slight obsession... But ya know what?! I don't want to get help... I just want to order #AllTheColors!

PRO Compression Obsession
This doesn't include the 4 pairs of Low Trainers, another pair of
black marathon socks, or a pair of lavender marathon
socks (all of which are currently in the laundry) I have...
Oh yeah, and the BANGING Sock of the Month from October
which is on its way to my mailbox AS I TYPE :)

The AMAZING folks over at PRO Compression saw my post and said they wanted to offer up a pair of either Marathon Socks or Sleeves to one lucky winner! HOW SPECTACULAR IS THAT?! Just in time for the fall racing season! (And in case you think you have too much PRO Compression gear - which is IMPOSSIBLE by the way - you could always win a pair for a friend; THEY MAKE PERFECT STOCKING STUFFERS! Christmas is right around the corner, ya know!)

PRO Compression Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Enter early and often (some of the entries are available DAILY). The giveaway will run through Tuesday, October 21st at 11:59pm PST. I will contact the winner via email (using the email address listed through Rafflecopter). Also, the entries ARE verified, so please make sure you complete the task or I'll have to pick a new random winner. BEST OF LUCK TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO ENTERS!!

PS Just in case you aren't the lucky winner (which would be a bummer, but hey, not everyone can win), PRO Compression has offered up a 40% off coupon code for me to share with my friends, family, and followers. Place your order NOW and use "BLG14" to get 40% off your next online purchase!


It Ain't Easy Being Megan said...

I LOVE Pro Compression socks!!!!

Unknown said...

I love PRO Compression!! I race in the sleeves and recover in the socks! Thanks for the giveaway!

Kathryn @ Dancing to Running said...

I absolutely LOVE my PRO Compression socks and sleeves. They are perfect for recovery!

Susan said...

I currently don't wear compression socks or sleeves, but have been trying to pick a pair of sleeves to try for awhile! there are so many options it's hard to decide!

Chelsea P. said...

Procompression marathon socks are my absolutely favorite!!! I've been hooked for just about a year now.

Katie Murphy said...

Love my PRO Compression gear! And I agree with Carlee, can never have too much of it! Rock on, my friend!

Annmarie said...

Love both Pro Compression socks & sleeves!

Kristen said...

Awesome socks!

blew415 said...

I do, usually under armor

Unknown said...

Love all the awesome Procompression sock colors!

Unknown said...

I've never tried compression socks or sleeves, but I'm totally excited to now!

Unknown said...

Pro compression socks are the best

Unknown said...

Who doesn't need another pair?? They are socks after all and do wear out!!

ivieanne said...

I always am in need of new procompression socks! Especially since AJ and I wear the same size!

Stephanie said...

compressions are leg savers!!

Sam said...

CEPs & PRO's are my fav compression socks. I get a lot of calf tightness so they're a godsend!

Cora Kirkpatrick said...

I own 1 pair of compression socks and they're black marathon Pro Compression ones! I LOVE THEM!

Lauren said...

I LOVE Pro Compression - I own both socks and sleeves and they are like magic!

SeRUNity NOW said...

Compression socks are a dream come true! You can never have enough!

SeRUNity NOW said...

Oh. And yes, I do wear them :) I have Zensah right now, but everyone keeps telling me I need to try Pro Compression!

Rebecca said...

I don't own any compression socks.. I would love to have some!

Anonymous said...

I wear ProCompression marathon socks for recovery or if I will be sitting for a long time (especially when traveling).

Emily said...

Love my pro compression socks!

Tracy Carson said...

Love Pro Compression!

Shay @ Whine Less, Breathe More said...

I prefer the socks usually.

Kimberly said...

ProCompression. Socks. All the way.

Mama L said...

I've bern wanting to try these! I so hope I win so I finally can. 😃

Tami said...

I love ProCompression!!! Would love to win!!

Sarah said...

I have one pair of compression socks, and have been known to steal my husband's, too. But both pairs are plain ole black. I would love something FUN!

Unknown said...

I LOVE Pro Compression - the full socks. I don't wear them to run in (usually), but love them post-race for recovery!

Unknown said...

I love Pro Compression. I always wear them after my long races!

Unknown said...

I wear compression socks ALL the time, especially when I sleep! The brighter (more obnoxious the color) the better and I ONLY wear Pro Compression. Awesome customer service and a great selection at expos and online. And their 40% off coupons aren't bad either. ;)

Paula said...

I love ProCompressoion. I have a couple pairs of the low trainers and then at least a handful of the marathons.

Tayna said...

I have never used compression socks or sleeves but I would love to try them!

Lisa said...

I wear compression gear. I like Pro Compression but I also like Lunatik Athletics and CEP. Pro Compression is nice for everyday compression. CEP I think feels a little tighter so it's better after racing or long runs. I love the patterns of Lunatik so I wear them while racing, and also the foot part of the sock fits really well.

Kareby said...

I always wear compressions!!!

Fairytales and Fitness said...

I don't have a pair of pro compression socks but I do have a pair of their sleeves and they are fabulous!

Eliza Klinger said...

I love Pro Compression Sleeves! They really help with muscle fatigue during races!

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to try Pro Compression to see if they would help my legs recover after a run. Perhaps I'll get to try!

Laura said...

Pro compression marathon socks are my favorite. I'm due for a new pair :)

Unknown said...

I'd love to try these!

Unknown said...

I love PRO Compression sleeves!

Melissa said...

I just started wearing compression socks and an sooooo digging Pro compression marathon socks! The brighter, the better!

Cailyn said...

Love my Pro Compression socks... I have the neon pink!

Stacey Niedzwiecki said...

I love my ProCompression!!! I also may have too many pairs, but I do wear them all! Right now, I'm into my sleeves so I can where my own socks.

Debby said...

I haven't worn compression gear yet, so I don't have a favorite company. I would prefer sleeves to socks since I sometimes wear Vibram Five Fingers.

Thanks for hosting the giveaway!


Bri said...

I always wear compression sleeves during runs over 15 km. I have very tight calves, so I find it helps! Right now I wear compressport sleeves.

Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes said...

For fashion I definitely like Pro compression, but Bioskin and 110% have been my go to since I've had my calf injuries!

John @ run. geek. run(disney) said...

Love compression. My brand of choice is ProCompression (would love to be an ambassador for them). I really love my calf sleeves. I have yet to actually get around to trying the full socks, but I want to. Sleeves are just great because easy for racing, post run and wear with whatever. No worry about if the socks are hot or sweaty, etc. I can even use them for more than one run, because they dont usually get sweaty, like socks would. i do want to try full socks because I think they may add a little something extra though compressing all the way down.

Unknown said...

Yes! Love ProCompression!

Anonymous said...

Love me some compression for long runs!

liana@runtomunch said...

love procompression

FluffytoHealthy said...

I would love to win!! I bet these would help when i'm jogging!!

ToriPaige said...

I have one pair of Pro Compression socks that I love! I would absolutely love another pair :) I prefer the socks because I feel that they give my ankles a little extra feeling of support too.

Fun and Fit: Kymberly and Alexandra said...

I definitely prefer socks. And I'm familiar with Zensah, but not with ProCompression yet.

Unknown said...

I do wear compression socks for recovery from long runs. My favorite so far are Zensah

Montana Ross said...

We've already established that I also have a Pro Compression obsession- ha! I can't stop ordering...I think someone takes over my hands when I'm on the computer. :-)

Chris @ What I Run Into said...

I'm a sleeves gal! Compression socks leave my feet numb. I own Zensah sleeves and love them. I'd love to try Pro Compression sleeves and compare!

Anonymous said...

I wear CEP socks right now, but those are the only pair I've owned, so I have no idea if I could do better.

Megan Tenney said...

I haven't tried any yet, although I got a pair at the color run. Excited to incorporate them into my marathon training!

Taryn said...

I have a pair of CEP compression socks that I love, but I've heard good things about Pro Compression & would like to try them.

Eclectic Educating said...

Procompression calf sleeves are my favorite!

cgchica said...

Love procompression socks and would love to try the sleeves!

Kristen M. said...

I have a pair of Pro Compression socks (love them). I haven't tried sleeves.

Unknown said...

I have pro compression socks, would love to try sleeves someday.

Four Paw Savings said...

I don't currently use compression gear

Amy Lauren said...

I like pro compression socks for recovery. I have 2 pairs of these socks but could use another.

Unknown said...

I love compression socks and the only brand I use is Pro Compression! Love their designs and the socks are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I have two pairs of marathon compression socsk from ProCompression, and I love putting those on after a workout :) Tempted to buy more...or hoping to win more!

I also have a pair of shorts from 110% Play Harder, which come with special ice packs and pockets to help apply ice and compression. Pretty neat stuff.

Unknown said...

I LOVE my Pro Compression socks!!

Unknown said...

Love my proco socks and sleeves. Both for different reasons!

Unknown said...

I would love to win a pair! I have not tried them yet!

Darlene said...

procompression are my favorites - I wear socks.

Unknown said...

I've read an article that said sleeves and non FDA approved socks can lead to blood clots... but PRO Compression was on the "good" list. I'd love to try a pair!

runhikeplay said...

I've got Pro Compression sleeves and haven't tried any other brand. Love them for recovery. Would love to try out the actual socks at some point too! :)

Anonymous said...

Pro compression socks are the best!

SD Mom said...

You know I am a compression sock fan! I love Pro and I also love Crazy!

Kara said...

I have one pair of Pro Compression & will be buying more!! Love them!

OneFidy said...

Would love to try these!

Unknown said...

I LOVE these socks, but need a bold pair for these fallish days!

benj13blue said...

I love compression socks for long runs, and PROCompression is my favorite. I've never tried sleeves, just socks.

Debbie H. said...

I LOVE Pro Compression socks. Can never have enough! I've never tried the low trainers, would love to!

Sherry said...

I like Pro Compression socks for recovery. I haven't tried their sleeves yet.

Anonymous said...

I love my CW-X compression gear but would love to try the Pro Compression brand.

Unknown said...

I use ProCompression. I actually prefer sleeves, because I can still wear my favorite Swiftwick socks.

Anonymous said...

I haven't tried any compression products yet, but I've heard ProCompression is the best!

Kristen@goodngoodforya said...

I've been wanting to try compression gear but the price tag has kept me away.

Callahan4021.wordpress.com said...

I love compression gear I wear the sleeves and socks, I have zensah and pro compression both

Diana B said...

I love my compression socks, and most of mine are procompression! I usually get the socks, but I'm dying for some sleeves for post run, so I can still rock my flip flops.

Immashutterbug said...

Those look super comfy!

Krissy said...

Yes! Socks. I like ProCOmpression, EC3D and CEP.

Markemmanuel said...

Ooo!!! Compression Socks!

Unknown said...

I LOVE my procompression socks and sleeves! I wear them almost every time I run, and sleep in them a lot too! ;)

Karyn said...

I love my compression socks! I'd love to try pro compression!

Juliette said...

Love my pro compression socks, can never have too many!

Patrick Voo said...

so far my fav compression socks are from lunatik athletiks (a proudly CDN company!), but i have not yet tried PRO compression!

Amanda N said...

I have both Pro Compression and Zensah brand compression gear and love them both. Nothing better than compression gear to help you recover.

EB said...

Big procompression fan. I go for the socks!

Anonymous said...

I always wear the ProCompression socks or calf sleeves on my long runs or long races!

Unknown said...

PRO Compression is everyone's favorite!

Anonymous said...

So excited I just found pro compression! Can't wait to learn and try all their gear!

Unknown said...

I just bought a pair of Southwick compression socks. They felt great, except they were pinching my right calf a lot. I thought it was me, but the bruise on my calf tells a different story. Want to try another brand and see what's out there.

Erin T said...

What can I say, I'm obsessed with Pro Compression socks!!!

Unknown said...

I have also used compression sleeves. I would love try the socks. And see how they work.