Ryan keeps coming up with ideas of new things he wants to buy. I told him instead of buying it (or planning on buying it) right now I suggested that he write them all down and start a list for Christmas gifts (I know that now that we are getting older it is harder for people to buy for us). I have seen a couple things that I wanted to put on my Christmas list lately, so thought I would post them here. (And NO this is NOT a request for gifts, but I thought that these would be great gifts for ANYONE so I wanted to give the ideas out to everyone)
**Feed bag - The FEED bag is designed to raise awareness and funds for hungry children and to help them get into school and out of hunger. Each FEED bag sold will provide a school year of meals for one child in need and give them the hope of an education and a regular meal. Whether you tote your FEED bag to school, work, play, or shop, remember that your bag helped to FEED and educate one child for one school year.
**Toms Shoes - Since its beginning in May 2006, TOMS has given over 10,000 pairs of shoes to children in Argentina and 50,000 pairs in South Africa through the purchases of our caring customers. In 2008 TOMS plans to give 200,000 pairs of shoes to children in need around the world. Our ongoing community events and Shoe Drops allow TOMS supporters and enthusiasts to be a part of this One for One movement. Get involved: Changing a life begins with a single step… For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need. One for One.
**Rainbow Sandals - 100% Natural Hemp Fiber / Triple Glued / Single Layer Arch Support / Rainbow® Trac Bottom / Guaranteed for the Life of the Sole
**Beach Cruiser with Basket, Bell and Streamers
**(Red) Apple Shuffle iPod - The (RED) Manifesto. All things being Equal. They are not. As first world consumers, we have tremendous power. What we collectively choose to buy, or not buy, can change the course of life and history on this planet. (Red) is that simple an idea. And that powerful. Now, you have a choice. There are (Red) credit cards, (Red) phones, (Red) shoes, (Red) fashion brands. And no, this does not mean they are all red in color, although some are. If you buy a (Red) product or sign up for a (Red) service, at no cost to you, a (Red) company will give some of its profits to buy and distribute anti-retroviral medicine to our brothers and sisters dying of AIDS in Africa.
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