Okay, so I know I am now partial to the
Reef Sandals (if you don't know, Ryan now works for
Reef), but these are AWESOME!!
Reef Footwear Spring 2011The Ugandal3 Sandal: promoting justice and sustainablility
When shoes look good, you like them. When shoes feel good, you love them. And when shoes do good, you just can’t but help to love them even more. For Spring 2011, Reef is bringing some sandals to the market that spread love each and every step of the way. The Ugandal3 features the recycled craftwork of displaced women in Uganda, while the Ah-Sy-Ee uses the leftover seed of the açaí berry. Both of these sandals use stylish, eco-conscious design elements, but I think it’s quite notable of Reef to not only create to help the environment, but also to provide justice for women and children. For Women’s Equality Day, educate yourself on this sandal and be inspired to not only celebrate the justice for ladies in the U.S., but for women all over the globe working towards equality.
The Ah-Sy-Ee Sandal with beads made from seeds
That’s not the only conscious collaboration for Reef this season, as they have also teamed up with Açaí Roots to release the Ah-Sy-Ee sandal. This sandal features the seeds of the powerful antioxidant, the açaí (pronounced Ah-Sy-Ee) berry. The seeds are otherwise discarded when the fruit is harvested, but Reef saw the potential for reusing this bi-product and painted the seed to adorn the strap of the sandal. The final product is another well-crafted sandal with a story to tell. Reef and Açaí Roots both extend their focus on humanitarian efforts, because this collaboration has already provided a positive impact on the land and the people of the Amazon. Not only does Açaí Roots utilize sustainable farming practice and jobs for farmers, 100% of the profits from the purchase of the seeds for this project go directly to Rhythm of Hope, an organization dedicated to improving the lives of underpriveledged city children of Brazil. Reef, thank you for realizing that fashion should never be at the expense of anything or anyone else, and that it could be a means for providing more than just wears for the people.Check out more of them and the rest of the article
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