Sunday, January 24, 2016

Workout Recap - Week 4

Sunday, January 17th 5 mile run with the hubby, 3 mile hike with the hubby and puppyStretched & Foam Rolled

Monday, January 18th – Strength Training (abs, back, arms and legs), 5 mile progression run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Tuesday, January 19th –  8 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Wednesday, January 20th – 19.65 mile bike ride, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Thursday, January 21st –  5 treadmill mile pace run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Friday, January 22nd –  20 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Saturday, January 23rd –  Rest Day (5 mile hike with the hubby and puppy), Stretched & Foam Rolled

First off, how is it that the LA Marathon is less than three weeks away?! EEKS! (PS If you haven't registered and want to, use CARLEE16 to save a couple dollars.) Next, I sure hope this taper time helps with my legs because they have been feeling like a million pounds lately... I don't know exactly what it is, but you better believe I will be doing all the foam rolling, stretching and Epsom Salt baths I can in the next couple weeks to try and give my legs their best shot at this next full marathon (and then their next one two weeks after that!).

How were your workouts this past week? 


Shannon said...

You always inspire me! Love your positive attitude. ☺

Unknown said...

Even just scrolling through your IG and blog posts, I LOVE how freaking colorful your photos are! Awesome week girl. :)

Erica @ Erica Finds said...

Water, coconut water, SOS Rehydrate, fruit :)

Kerri Olkjer said...

You're so good with stretching and foam rolling! I have to get better with that.

Unknown said...

I'm not even doing LAM and I can't believe it's 3 weeks away! LOL. You've been kicking butt at your training and I can't wait to see what you put into action! And likewise for Phoenix. :)

THanks for linking up with me this week! :)