Sunday, September 22, 2013

Toledo Color Me Rad 5K

This morning my dad, mom, brother and his girlfriend ran in the Color Me Rad 5K at the University of Toledo. I am so proud of them!! They are all ROCKSTARS!! My mom ran the Color Me Rad 5K with Ryan and I when she was out in San Diego earlier this summer [check out the recap here in case you missed it the first time around - FULL OF PICTURES], but I hear this course was a lot rougher (full of hills - which is MUCH different than the flatness of the Petco parking lot we were cruising around :) ).

Looking clean and ready to run!

My parents are cooler than your parents!

Kyle blew everyone out of the water I hear :)


Ryan and I wish we could have been there, but there will be MANY RACES in our future I am sure of it!

WAY TO GO PADOT (plus Mitchell) CLAN!!

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