Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Fundraising for #Ragnar4Rett

A few weeks ago I mentioned that registration for the #TeamSparkle #Ragnar4Rett Virtual 5K was open. If you missed that post or still need to register, make sure to pop on over to that post HERE. Also, if you were interested in ordering any of the special-edition shirts the deadline to pre-order those is Friday, March 8th, so make sure to get on that ASAP!

Don't miss out on adding one of these awesome shirts to our virtual race registration! 

Besides those reminders, I also wanted to share a little about the cause and ask for your help in meeting a fundraising goal. (PS To be a part of the #TeamSparkle #Ragnar4Rett team I am NOT required to raise money, but since this cause 
is near and dear to my heart I thought I'd put out the call and see if any of you are interested in donating a few bucks.)


If you've been around my neck of the InterWebs for a while, you probably have seen that I've been lucky enough to have been a part of #TeamSparkle's #Ragnar4Rett adventures the last four years (can't believe this will be year number FIVE - HOLY CRAPOLY - where has the time gone?!). In case you are new to these parts, let me run through a brief recap.

Our pre-race "jumping" picture from 2016... Let's just say I don't know how to jump on "3"...

The ladies of Sparkle Athletic were introduced to Rett Syndrome by a friend, Allison, because her daughter suffers with this terrible and debilitating neurological disorder. It is the leading genetic cause of severe impairment in girls, brought on by a single gene mutation that leads to underproduction of an important brain protein.

Source: @afoley09's Instagram feed

Girls are born “normal,” but without the protein, begin to lose acquired skills between 1 and 3 years old. Many lose their ability speak, walk or use their hands, and depend on their families for every part of their day. Despite their physical disabilities, girls with Rett Syndrome are believed to be functioning mentally at a much higher level than previously thought. Amidst the mass confusion in their central nervous systems, they're smart, strong and waiting bravely for a cure.


Well, when the amazing women of Sparkle Athletic heard about Rett and the struggles that these girls (and their families) face day in and day out, they tried to come up with an idea on how to help. So they put on their brainstorming caps visors and decided they should do something that they knew a lot about - RUN! Run to raise money and awareness. Run on behalf of these girls and their families. Run for these girls, until one day, hopefully, they can run WITH these girls. 

For the past five years these ladies have created a team to run the SoCal Ragnar Relay as a way to raise money and awareness (last year we did take a brief hiatus from Ragnar, but that was only because we ran #Boston4Rett instead!). It is a HUGE fundraising effort and over the past six years they have helped to raise over $160,000.

Today, there is no cure, but Rett Syndrome is CURABLE! Research has proven once protein levels are back to normal levels, symptoms subside. Not only will the work help thousands of girls and women worldwide, but the findings have a direct impact on research on Autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer's and many other disorders. In essence, Rett girls may hold the key to a cure for millions of people suffering from dozens of disabilities. So six of us ladies will be tackling 185 miles for 185 children (and their families) and dedicating each mile to a specific Rett fighter!

If you would like to donate to the cause, please visit my fundraising page HERE. Every dollar counts, so even if you can only do $5, think of it like you're buying me a coffee with a much greater and longer impact than feeding a caffeine craze ;)

Have you heard of Rett Syndrome before?

1 comment:

Sandra D Laflamme said...

I love that you always run this event for such a great cause!!!