Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cousin Adam

Ryan's cousin Adam passed away last night. Ryan's cousin Leigh (Adam's sister) posted some insight about Adam this morning.

Adam McFarland, Christmas Day. Adam was born with cerebral palsy and cognitive impairment at a time when special education had just begun. He taught all of us do many things, especially that we are more alike than different. He also taught me that we are much stronger and capable than we often think we are.


Our brother Adam passed away unexpectedly last night. Our family is reeling but we also feel the thoughts and prayers from friends and family. Please know that every single moment is an absolute gift. Don't doubt for a second that life is to be lived with joy, love and compassion every single day. Adam loved life. He loved his movie collection, 80s references, going out to eat, complaining about work, dancing, beer, and his family. Please pray for us or send us whatever strength you can. Adam was a kind, sensitive soul. We will miss him forever.

Please pray for the family during this difficult time. Adam & Leigh's mom (Leslie - Ryan's aunt) was diagnosed with lung cancer about 2 weeks ago and has just started undergoing intensive chemo this past week. Leigh's mother-in-law is in late stages of cancer down in Louisiana. Any positive thoughts and prayers would be MUCH appreciated during this trying time.

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