The last week or so I had been putting entries into a contest that Beardowear was having. They had teamed up with beepart and were giving away $75 to beepart's store. The entries were easy (you just had to post on Facebook and put the two company's names in the post). This morning I woke up to an email that said:
""Beardowear wrote: "This was indeed the lucky one!! Congrats.. send us your email through the site and we'll put you in touch with beepart!" ""
It was in response to my entry from yesterday that said "Last entry for Beardowear and beepart... Maybe it is the lucky one :)"
HOW AWESOME!! Beardowear even has me listed on their website as a winner :)

Check out beepart's website when you get a chance, because they have SOOOOO many AWESOME vinyls that it is going to be VERY hard to stop at just $75 worth :) AND PS - THANKS TO BEARDOWEAR AGAIN FOR PUTTING ON THE CONTEST!!!
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