HOW EXCITING! Ryan and I booked flights to go back to Michigan for the Michigan vs. Notre Dame football game. The first game under the new lights at the Michigan Stadium. The first game wearing the legacy jerseys. The game is on my BIRTHDAY (and the date is AWESOME - 09.10.11). It will be quite the exciting day I think. We are flying back just for the weekend, which seems to be about the length of our stays recently. We will be visiting my padres Friday and then heading to Ann Arbor to spend the day with 150,000 plus of our closest friends, hehe. Then we will be flying back on Sunday. I know it will probably feel like we need a vacation from our vacation, but being part of history is worth it, right? :) We were back at the dedication game last year and will be at the first night game this year. I am SURE we will have plenty of pictures to share AND WE BETTER HAVE A WIN - ESPECIALLY SINCE IT IS MY BIRTHDAY!! :)
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