And no matter how long you've been visiting, you picked an AMAZING time to pop in because we're celebrating my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas {read my post announcing this series HERE if you don't know what I'm talking about}.
Today is Day 7 of my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas! And the prize today is pretty FAN-FREAKIN'-TASTIC! Although, to be honest, all of the prizes are AMAZEBALLS! If I could enter my own giveaways I'm pretty sure I would enter each and every one of them in this series because they are just that awesome.
For today, DAY SEVEN, seven winners will be selected, each winning a motivate wrap of their choice from Momentum.
If you've been around these parts for a while, you know I love me some #WristCandy! And Momentum Jewelry is one of my favorite companies when it comes to adding to my #ArmParty. Why, you may ask? Well, for quite a few reasons. First, because who couldn't use their own personal cheerleader on their wrist when the run or workout gets tough? Next, because the wraps are so comfy that I don't even realize they're there (till I look down for that little boost of support or kick in the pants that I need). Also, because everything is made in the USA and hand-crafted with love!
Over the last few years I have acquired quite the collection of Momentum Jewelry goodies, including the Motivate Wraps, Footnotes, Necklaces, SPARKlets, Wish Wraps, and even a t-shirt! Even though it is hard to pick a favorite, I think the Motivate Wraps will always hold a special place in my heart (especially when Amy kicked off the #ShareTheSPARK campaign - "Be the spark that inspires someone... the spark that lights their fire. Be the reason.").
Entering this giveaway (along with the other #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas giveaways) is easy-peasy! Simply use the Rafflecopter widget listed below on the giveaway blog post and cross your fingers. Some entries are available daily so I'd HIGHLY recommend entering early and often. (Shoot, I would even go as far as suggesting you set an alarm to remind you to come back to this page every 24 hours so you can take advantage of as many entries as possible!)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now, the nitty gritty details... All entries are verified, so please make sure to do whatever the required action for the entry is or it will be disqualified. I would hate for you to miss out on winning due to a technicality, so if you are going to click the option, make sure you do whatever it asks or a new, random winner will be selected in your place.
Also, this giveaway will last seven days, with the winners being picked (and notified) on the eighth day. The winners will have 24 hours to reply to the congratulations email from me to claim their prize. That means, for this giveaway, it will end on December 13th at 11:59pm PST and the SEVEN winners will be chosen on December 14th.
And, finally, the winners must have a US mailing address. International shipping seems to cost an arm and a leg these days, and customs is a major headache, so to make it easier (and cheaper) on the brands who have offered up their products, the winners must live in United States of America (or at least have an address we can ship to within the US).
With that said, BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE WHO ENTERS! And don't forget to stop back tomorrow to see what is up next in my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas (I promise you do NOT want to miss out on any of these giveaways!)!
PS Just in case you aren't one of the SEVEN lucky winners, you can still use coupon code "sharetheSPARK2018" for 15% off your order (because EVERYONE is a WINNER in my book)! So go get your shop on and save a few dollars in the process! The code doesn't expire until March 31st, 2018, but don't wait to order - these are great stocking stuffers!
PS Just in case you aren't one of the SEVEN lucky winners, you can still use coupon code "sharetheSPARK2018" for 15% off your order (because EVERYONE is a WINNER in my book)! So go get your shop on and save a few dollars in the process! The code doesn't expire until March 31st, 2018, but don't wait to order - these are great stocking stuffers!
I've always loved the mantras "I can and I will", and "what the mind believes, the body achieves"! :)
“Keep going”
I ❤️ my Motivate wrap. It’s so soft and pretty.
I loved the mantra "Fire within" during my marathon training.
Love these. So. Cute!
"Always earned, never given" and "you can do hard things" words to live by!
You are stronger than you feel!
I actually have some of my favorite song lyrics on a personalized wrap - if you want to be somebody else, change your mind.
When I was younger it was Carpe Diem, and I've decided I need to adopt it again. I've lost too many people the last couple years and wondered if they had regrets. So I'm seizing the day, I've signed up for a Tough Mudder, trying to decide which half I want to do first, and looking at skydiving with my sister or husband.
I LOVE momentum wraps!
My mantra is "Just Breathe."
Be brave, get ugly is my current mantra
In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take
"I can, I will, I am" and that would be awesome on a bracelet!
I love these! So many different motivational sayings to choose from.
Shine bright
I’ve thought about this before and mine would say “one step closer” because not only is it one of my favorite LP songs, it’s something I say to myself to stay motivated. You are always one step closer than you were before. ❤️����♀️
I love “you are enough” from their new line!
'I can and I will" is what I'm using right now! That's what I'd pick!
Go Big or Go Home!~
Believe or Never Give Up or Don't Look Back
My recent motivational mantra is "I've got this."
While I'm running and struggling I start saying "You can do it, you can do it, you can do it, stronger than you think you are." over and over in time with my steps.
Be Brave! I have it so many places!
One Step at a Time! You can do anything if you take it one step at a time!
My favorite mantra is "redefine impossible" - I'd love to put it on a custom motivate wrap someday.
I saw on the back of a shirt at the NYC marathon...”I’m doing this” and it really resonated with me.
"One more mile." You can tell yourself that you can quit after one more mile, and then keep repeating that until you are done with however long you have left, be it just a mile or 26.2 miles.
"I can and I will" is my current favourite, but I love all the ones here too.
Run Strong!
I love these. Currently own 3 of them and want so many more!
She thought she could so
She did!!!!!!! Love these!!! 😍
"You got this" "you can do this, you've done it before" "you are stronger than you think, don't give up"
I love these wraps! I would get one that said "Still She Persisited" or, "Choose Hope" both have special meaning for me, and keep me going :D
I would get one to say, “Run the mile you’re in.” That mantra helped me through my most recent marathon so I didn’t get overwhelmed thinking about how much was left! It also applies to life outside of running - keeps the focus on the present.
My mantra is to always believe in your strength! You are stronger than you think!
Trust the Process! & Follow your heart kid.
Keep Pushing On
I love these bands! I would have to say the standard, “never give up” or I also like “keep pushing”.
I love the mantra Never Give up!
LOVE LOVE momentum. I am currently focusing on the mantra " Live in the Moment!"
"Small But Mighty" - Someone once described me this way and its become my mantra
Keep going, stay strong!
Mine would be "You got this!"
Run for Tomorrow.
Nevertheless, she persisted! I have it tattooed on my right ribs (it's my first tattoo, but it is a constant reminder for all aspects of life). Having a motivate wrap to add to my collection with that mantra on it would be fabulous!
Strength. so simple, but it keeps me going.
"One foot in front of the other"
I would make on thats reminds me to "Be Brave"! I struggle with anxity and be brave is what i tell myself to get through those moments.
I love the "Never give up" mantra... but if I could personalize, it would be "persevere".
So hard to narrow it down...I have many mantras!!! "You can do this" or "You are strong" and a couple that I find myself saying in my head when I feel my legs wanting to give up. I have been coveting these wraps for such a long time...I keep putting them on my wishlist but the gift givers are not getting the hint---LOL!!
Run Happy, Run Always
Don’t just survive, thrive is my go to mantra!
maybe she was born with it No she worked for it
I entered!!! Thank you!
Live with intent, or embrace today are my mantras 🤗
"Just run." To me that means to just get out there and run with no worries!
#girlboss I love it!!
Run hard when it's hard to run
Another one of those things that I have wanted for forever but wouldn't let myself buy because I was in grad school and a new mom. Grad school is over in 2 weeks and I am a mom for life so no time like the present. Haha!
I would get "Just Breathe" because it's something a I have to remind myself to do everyday. There is a song by Ryan Star called Breathe that is one of my favorites and it's just such an uplifting reminder to live the life you want and not worry about the chatter from people who don't care about you. Just something that really speaks to me <3
My first one was "Dig Deep" and I definitely want more! These are beautiful and such a great idea to inspire.
My favorite mantra is simply "believe." Believe in yourself and your abilities!
My current race mantra is 'run strong, finish stronger'. If I could personalize a piece of momentum jewelry it would definitely have this mantra on it!!
I can and I will
It would say "just keep running" because I love running but some days it's hard to get myself to keep going!
Dig deep!
Pay the Price - it's how I feel about training and racing. Put in the work or pay the price on race day!
Fly Brave has been mine for a while now!
What if i fail? WHAT IF YOU DON'T
I love these and have 2 already but I wouldn't mind another one
I absolutely love these wraps...oh man I hope I win this one!!! Fingers crossed!
"Run the mile you are in"
I think I really love the mantra from Oiselle "run fast, take chances" but I would love to make one that says "slay this run" because it would probably make me feel like a badass :D
I love these wraps! I have "you got this", but really want "be brave".
What is your motivational mantra? If you could personalize a piece from Momentum Jewelry, what would it say?
"You chose this". It reminds me that even when things are hard, there's nowhere I'd rather be.
My mantra would be “I can do hard things” or “each day is a gift”
running on faith is my favorite. i have one with this on it but would love another
My personal mantra has always been, Always Believe You Can! I love their stuff so much!
I would make a wrap that says "Achieve by any means" which is the mantra of my group in a virtual running club!
Either "F*ck Yes!" for Shalane or "Chasing PRs"
I currently wear “you are enough” but I also love “never give up” “everything happens for a reason” “make your dreams happen” ”don’t let your dreams be dreams” “set goals, say prayers, work hard”
My mantra is ‘the faster you run, the faster you’re done’!
“Be strong and courageous “ :-)
Well I've gotten a lot of good ideas just from reading the above comments! But I really like "Strong is the new beautiful" and "Enjoy the journey."
"#inthelab" or I like to tell myself after a hard set, "recover while riding"
Smile and Believe!
I love Momentum Jewerly, and wish I discovered them sooner! I first purchased the run and be happy motivational wrap last year which soon became my inspiration for my instagram handle. Already have 5 and counting wraps and just purchased a footnote.
Believe!! I love that reminder
I love these. Sometimes it's just the motivational boost I need to make it through a workout...or even get going.
"Live your - to the fullest!" On your tombstone your life will be summed up by a "-" , ex. 1989-20??, so you better make the most of it.
My personal mantra has been "ditch doubt", but with my hometown on fire, I'm thinking some "out of the ashes" type mantras may be needed.
My favorite pre-race mantra is "Believe!" I would definitely personalize my Momentum Jewelry to say "no limits" though.
my dog ate mine!! dig deep :)
I looooove my wraps!!!
I wear "dig deep" on my running shoes. I use "run happy" on runs that aren't going well and "I can and I will" for tough training or races.
Life's an Adventure!
"Strength" I even have this tattooed on my body in Hebrew. I can do all things through him who give me strength.
“She believed she could, so she did.” One of my favs!
Dig deep!
I constantly tell myself I'm "capable" of anything I put my mind to
I'd definitely have it say" Anything is possible!"
Love these!
be brave <3
Stay Positive
“Run happy” and “She flies with her own wings”
No excuses
No Excuses .. or .. make it happen .. or .. no regrets
I have one that says, “run happy” I try to do that each run!
I would love it if they started making bible verse ones...
Choose Joy!
I'd say "make it happen!"
I have one that says "earned not given." I'd like one that says "I cand I will"
Never give up
I would love a motivational wrap. My mantra would be...... No Limits.
Mine is usually 'believe'
Mine would say Be Fearless.
You can do hard things, Press On, You got this!
You got this! And if I had a custom one made: shut up legs!
Do the Work
I am the storm!!!
I have a few, but right now, probably "You are stronger than you think."
I get to!
I love my Momentum wraps! I wear at least one every day! My current favorite says “live with passion.”
I wore one of these on my shoe for my first half marathon post kids, and one on my wrist (believe) for my first full marathon. I'm convinced they are what got me through!
My mantra is "unbreakable" - I would love a wrap that said that.
Sadie B.
I love Momentum jewelry!! "Stay strong" is one of my favorites!
I would love mine to say 'Appreciate Anything & Everything' - would be a constant reminder to do that which helps me feel happy regardless of what is going on.
"Trust" is my mantra. Trust in my training, trust in myself, and trust in God.
"You are stronger than you believe"
“You are stronger than you think.”
*I Can, I Will* and *Choose Joy*
I love my wraps! If I got a personalized one it would say, "make your legs hurt".
Beat yesterday
"Fire up the fire within"
I have a few favorite mantras that I customized: "Don't Worry About a Thing", "Run for a Reason", and "You've Got to Start to Finish".
"Just keep running" as that is what I tell myself when it gets hard(in a Dory voice, or course :) or "Run strong" as that is the last thing my husband says to me when I leave to go for a run, and it always sticks with me.
"You are strong" goes through my brain the most! I need some additional wrist candy!
"One step at a time" and "Pain is weakness leaving the body."
"Be the light" is a mantra that always comes to mind. Reminds me to not promote negativity. If I could customize a bracelet, that's what I would put on it.
I have always loved, "it's fine, I ran today"
We all need to "run happy"
I'm currently loving "Be awesome today" and "Live joyfully" Momentum is a great company!
If I personalized one, it would say "The Lord is my helper..."
partymix25(at)hotmail(dot)com these!!! My arm could use a party!! I love all the motivational sayings. I think mine would say "dream big" :)
I love arm candy! I like "Be Brave". - Kim K.
"I'm a beast in this heat"
"I'm a beast in this heat"
No regrets
I love to run happy!!
I’ve looked at these a lot, just never ended up getting them! Love them!
"I can and I will"
"inhale confidence, exhale doubt"
Never Give Up
Don't Be Afraid
I am Strong!
I’ve always loved these wraps, but have never owned one!
The two mantras I try to live by are "run happy" and "strive for progress not perfection"
"Today I choose happy"
Love these especially run happy
It sounds so simple, but it works. my motivational mantra: you can do it! yes you can!
If i were to personalize a piece of jewelry though, i might just put: GIRLPOWER
I have 1 mointivate wrap and I love it!
My mantra is "when the going gets tough, keep going"
I love the phrase "you can do hard things" and would love it on a wrap
By your endurance you will gain your life. :-D
"They are watching" ~ as in my three kids, everything I do is for them knowing they are watching me; emulating me.
"This too shall pass" is my mantra. Would love to get "strong" or "fierce" on a band.
I have been eyeing the "she needed a hero so that's what she became" wrap.
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