Monday, December 4, 2017

Day 4 of #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas

Thanks so much for stopping by today. Whether you've been following along on my journey since I started this blog OVER ELEVEN YEARS AGO or you stopped by for the first time today - WELCOME!

And no matter how long you've been visiting, you picked an AMAZING time to pop in because we're celebrating my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas {read my post announcing this series HERE if you don't know what I'm talking about}.

Today is Day 4 of my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas! And the prize today is pretty FAN-FREAKIN'-TASTIC! Although, to be honest, all of the prizes are AMAZEBALLS! If I could enter my own giveaways I'm pretty sure I would enter each and every one of them in this series because they are just that awesome.

Up for grabs today are: 4 Nuun Prize Packs.

For today, DAY FOUR, four winners will be selected, each winning a Nuun Prize Pack (which includes a nuun water bottle and four tubes of nuun electrolytes {grapelemon limestrawberry lemonade and orange}).


I will be the first to admit that I tend to hydrate with water. This isn't a huge deal, well, until you are sweating. Science wasn't my favorite subject, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be surprised to know that sweat contains more than just standard H2O, which means you need to replenish more than that during and after your workouts.


One of the 'things' you need to refill are electrolytes. Electrolytes play a key function in maintaining fluid balance, and supporting normal body function - can you say 'importante'?! [that's 'important 'in Spanish; another non-favorite subject].


That's where nuun comes in! nuun contains an optimal blend of electrolytes which keeps you hydrated for all levels of activities - whether you're running a marathon or a marathon of errands. The hydration aid comes in tablet form, so it's easy to pack for racecations or throw in a desk drawer to have after a sweaty runch. [For those of you who've never tried it, it's less of a 'sports drink, in-your-face' sort of taste, but if you like more flavor, just add an extra tablet or two.]


Entering this giveaway (along with the other #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas giveaways) is easy-peasy! Simply use the Rafflecopter widget listed below on the giveaway blog post and cross your fingers. Some entries are available daily so I'd HIGHLY recommend entering early and often. (Shoot, I would even go as far as suggesting you set an alarm to remind you to come back to this page every 24 hours so you can take advantage of as many entries as possible!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now, the nitty gritty details... All entries are verified, so please make sure to do whatever the required action for the entry is or it will be disqualified. I would hate for you to miss out on winning due to a technicality, so if you are going to click the option, make sure you do whatever it asks or a new, random winner will be selected in your place.

Also, this giveaway will last seven days, with the winners being picked (and notified) on the eighth day. The winners will have 24 hours to reply to the congratulations email from me to claim their prizes. That means, for this specific giveaway, it will end on December 10th at 11:59pm PST and the FOUR winners will be chosen on December 11th.

And, finally, the winners must have a US mailing address. International shipping seems to cost an arm and a leg these days, and customs is a major headache, so to make it easier (and cheaper) on the brands who have offered up their products, the winners must live in United States of America (or at least have an address we can ship to within the US).

With that said, BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE WHO ENTERS! And don't forget to stop back tomorrow to see what is up next in my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas (I promise you do NOT want to miss out on any of these giveaways!)!

PS Just in case you aren't one of the lucky winners, you can use "carlee25" for 25% off through 1/31/18 (EVERYONE is a WINNER in my book)! {Details: You will need to log into your account at before applying the discount and it is only available once per customer.} So go get your shop on and save a few dollars in the process!


Katie said...

I really, really try to pre-hydrate by drinking my daily water goal (about 100 oz/day is my sweet spot). On long (5+ miles) I’ll take water with half the amount of a nuun. Then afterwards I’ll drink a full strength nuun or Gatorade.

Also, if you happen to over indulge during the holidays, nuun is awesome the next morning.

Unknown said...

Depends on the run, by myself - Nuun. Social run - probably beer. Side note, Nuun is also perfect for after too much social run beer.

Jen said...

I use Nuun consistently. My favorite are the energy tabs

Unknown said...

I love Nuun for all of my runs. It helps keep me hydrated and decrease any stomach issues.

Anonymous said...

I love grape nuun. It's my go-to after a hard run.

Unknown said...

I’m a regular Nuun user for pre and post running - it makes me feel so much better when I replace my afternoon coffee with a nuun instead. Tri berry is my favorite flavor!

Josi Barksdale said...

I usually choose Gatorade as my recovery drink. But looking forward to trying Nuun!

Amanda Faul said...

I usually use Tailwind. But I use the Nuun Hydration stuff all the time when I'm not running

Britany said...

I hydrate with just a basic BCAA drink and all of the water. I have yet to try Nuun but all the runners I know say it's delicious!

Carmen said...

Water drinker over here.

Jennifer said...

I usually will drink Nuun right after the run. Maybe Nuun, water, Nuun again if it's a particularly hard run.

Jennifer said...

Water during the run then Chocolate milk post run.

Marissa said...

I love Nunn- the lemon lime energy is my favorite!

Allison said...

I'm currently pretty bad at hydrating and re-hydrating, but I find that adding a little flavour, like nuun or lemon, really helps!

Misti said...
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Misti said...

Nuun spark and plain water

Ashley said...

I mostly just hydrate with water, but on particularly hot or hard days I also drink Gatorade or add some Nuun to my water. :)

Unknown said...

Mostly water. Long run days I drink Gatorade after running.

Kevin said...

Love nuun. Use it every run. Cherry Limeade with caffeine for morning runs and watermelon sans caffeine in the evenings

Sarah N said...

In the winter months I usually stick to water but in the hot summer months I drink nuun or SOS after longer runs.

Anonymous said...

I love nuun! I stick with water, nuun and sometimes Gatorade.

mom27g said...

I usually use Nuun but I just ran out. Love my Nuun!!!

Caitlin said...

After long runs or hard workouts, I love the strawberry lemonade Nuun and Chocolate milk

Unknown said...

Nuun is definitely my go to for hydrating after runs - it's my favorite!

Katy C. said...

Love Nuun after a long run!

Unknown said...

Nuun is my FAV. keeps me going during and after all of my long runs!

Jennifer said...

I love Nuun during my long runs especially the lime falvor, post-run hydration is usually a protein smoothie (plus a beer after marathon training long runs).

kim said...

I drink water, but occasionally will have Gatorade or chocolate milk.

Nichole said...

I drink coffee...I know you're not supposed to do it, but I love to have coffee after my long run! Haha!

Rhett said...

I usually do just water post-run, but love incorporating Nuun in my regular hydration. Would be fun to try some more flavors too.

Reca Porter said...

I drink the one of water. When I’m especially sweaty, I need something with electrolytes and that willl be Nuun when I’m training.

Kate R said...

I like to stay hydrated with 64-100 oz per day, but in the mornings I get up and drink 16 oz of water while I'm getting dressed for my run to lubricate my joints!

newsomce said...

Nuun is my go-to electrolyte re-hydrator! I've always had a problem with keeping myself hydrated and using nuun both before and during races has helped immensely

Unknown said...

I actually hydrate now using nuun during my long runs!! I absolutely love the cherry limeade flavor. when i'm not running, I always carry a water bottle on me and am constantly drinking water

Shannon Busch said...

I always use nuun during my long runs, and even to stay hydrated after hard workouts.

Unknown said...

I use water during the run, thats about it. After a ginger lemonade nuun. If I'm out of that a can of fresca idk why. I don't even have water

Worth C. said...

Mostly Nuun and water now. Before and after. Can't believe it took so long for me to try it (got some as part of a birthday gift earlier this year).

Heather said...

I use Nuun after long or hard runs... for everything else it’s usually just water.

Shannon said...

I have a variety of hydration these days. I use Vega and UCAN hydrate a lot and make sure to drink some BCAAs. I also like nuun!

San said...

I usually have 1-2 cups before I start my run and then another 2 after (and sometimes some water along the way, when my runs are longer). I try to stay on top of the hydration game, but admit that sometimes it's hard.

Unknown said...

I use Nuun now and LOVE it!!!!

Ashley said...

I'm a water guzzler! Sometimes a chocolate protein shake or a scoop of chunky pb afterwards!

Kelli said...

Nuun is the best!

Megan Warzecha said...

My hydration story is ridiculous. After some rough summers that I attributed to anemia, I finally thought to look into dehydration. Bought the pee sticks and started looking at Specific Gravity and realized I was more dehydrated than I realized. This summer, I started drinking 16 oz. of Nuun and 16 oz. of Pedialyte + water a day. Total 180! So what did I do before Chicago this October? A friend whom I highly respect , but who doesn’t know my hydration habits, texted me Monday of race week and said to just drink shit tons of water and add in electrolytes a few days before. So I drank tons of water and no electrolytes. And I’ll just let you guess how Chicago went.

kirsten e said...

After a race I love chocolate milk!

Unknown said...

Water & rehydrate during & after are my norm

Amanda Williams said...

I love Gatorade and/or chocolate milk.

Patty said...

I've never tried Nunn, but would love to! I usually drink Arbonne Fizz.

Cassy said...

My favorite nuun is cherry limeade when I’m running but drink blueberry pomegranate if I’m not working out

revolutionarrie said...

I love Nuun! I drink it before, during, and after my runs.

Unknown said...

I usually drink Gatorade and then have a protein shake afterwards.

Heather @ said...

I use Nuun <3 My fave is Watermelon or Cherry Limeade!

bobrewer said...

A tablet of Nuun to replenish electrolytes... In the summertime, occasionally a protein shake!

Unknown said...

Nuun all the way before and after my workouts!

Steffanie said...

I mostly drink after my workout - water with various Mio flavor enhancers. I'd love to try Nuun!

Steve Gendreau said...

Lots of electrolyte drink then followed by water throughout the rest of the day.

Kim said...

I use Nuun! I love that it’s not overly sweet so it’s easy to drink both during and after a run.

Liz said...

I’m a HUGE nuun fan. Before, after, during a run or workout it’s always just what I need.

Lisa B said...

Water, sadly! I know I need to do something different, especially when I get headaches some this would be a great prize for me, hehe!

Keri Russell said...

I always hydrate with Nuun! I especially love fruit punch and lemon lime

Unknown said...

I use Nuun and I love the watermelon flavor!

Unknown said...

I only discovered Nuun this past year and I love it!!! It helps me so much with staying hydrated. I just bought their glass jar because I think it's so cute with different colored tablets in there. Orange mango is my fav.

Rosa said...

Nuun and water!

Unknown said...

I pop half a nuun in my beer, it's quite delicious!

Unknown said...

I actually drink a Nuun followed by a beer

Keri said...

Powerade or water

Unknown said...

I use Nuun, FitAid or Gatorade.

Fiona @ Get Fit Fiona said...

I just tried Nuun for the first time last week after hearing lots of good things about it. So far I'm really liking it!

Chelsea said...

Water mainly or nuun for long, hot summer runs!

Darla said...

The watermelon Nuun is my favorite!!

Jolene said...

I just tried Nuun for the first time after my long run yesterday! Before yesterday, just water.

Secluded Brumus said...

Nuun after most runs, watermelon is a fav!

Unknown said...

right now, just using good ole h2o!

Anonymous said...

Water and a fresh fruit smoothie

AER-Runs said...

I usually drink water and then have a few gels midway through a long run!

Mrsbolich said...

Water water and more water!

Unknown said...

I usually do a balloon of water a day with Gatorade after a long run. Glukos gel if needed!

Kristin said...

Scratch, coffee, beer, wine

Little Runner Em said...
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Little Runner Em said...

I currently drink water and sometimes Gatorade!

Shannon said...

I love Nuun! I also have tried Endurox and find it's a good recovery drink. I'm done with marathon training so I haven't been using it as much. La Croix is my go-to if I'm bored of plain water during the day too.

Melanie said...

I drink nuun and water during long runs and I love chocolate milk for recovery!

amie said...

I've been drinking water, but I like to liven it up sometimes with Nuun or Skratch!

Erica Beitter said...

Love love love nuun! So yummy!

Unknown said...

Gatorade... lots of Gatorade!

Charlotte said...

I’ve been been using nuun for years...tri-berry is my jam!

Unknown said...

Nuun has become my fave way to hydrate over the past couple years. 😊😊. I need to try the nuun vitamins!

kelly hanley said...

usually Nuun!

Shay @ Whine Less, Breathe More said...

Nuun for me! Currently loving the lemon lime flavor.

Krysta Jensen said...
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Krysta Jensen said...

Chocolate milk

Anna Nayeri said...

I love nuun!! I use it mainly on my long runs. My favorite is berry!

Anonymous said...

Love Nuun! My fav is cherry limeade

Beth said...

I love love love tri berry and fruit punch! Sometimes I drink nuun when I’m not running. Don’t judge.

Daisy said...

I use nuun. I love nuun. nuun is super awesome!

Sarah Phillips said...

After winding up in thd er because I lost too much salt despite being well hydrated, I drink either elixer from camelbak or nuun during and after workouts.

Amy Lauren said...

I drink Nuun or Gatorade.

Sadie said...

I love me some Nuun after a long run!
Sadie B.

kddanie3 said...

never tried nunn, but i usually rehydrate thru the spring close to my house on my daily run

AnnieM said...

I hydrate with Nuun!

Anonymous said...

I love nuun and/ or pickle juice after a hard run.

Anonymous said...

Nuun is great for all day or post run recovery!

redaussie3 said...

Grape and watermelon Nuun are my go to! Post work out I love to down some tart cherry juice as well!

Stacey said...

I love Nuun! It's the only thing in my bottle when running or working out. My go-to flavors are Cherry Limeade and Tri-Berry.

Ken C said...

I hydrate with with water mostly but I love Nuun for the extra hard runs

wvmello said...

Usually just water and then gatorade after long runs but I know that Nuun is much better for you!

Shelby said...

Nuun or water depending on intensity of workout.

Unknown said...

I love Nuun during and after :)

Stephy said...

With Nuun, duh! No really, Nuun is the best! :)

jessiewynne said...

Nuun and water, always!

Unknown said...

I've never tried Nuun before but I hope to with this giveaway! - Kim K.

Peanut said...

Nuun all day!

Jenn Cramer said...

I suck at hydrating. I'm basically always dehydrated. I keep telling myself I'm going to try something like Nuun, but alas and alack...

Unknown said...

With NUUN, of course! My secret stash of Kona Cola is dwindling, but that is my all-time favorite flavor.

JT said...

Powered Powerade or Gatorade or protien shake

Jen said...

Water and Powerade Zero...I’d love to try Nuun!

tj said...

Water and NUUN! I love it. I drink nuun all day too!

Shaunna said...

It depends on the run, but mostly water

KookyRunner said...

I have a stash of Nuun that I use for all of my workouts. For longer runs I use Tailwind.

becca said...

I use Nuun! Of course!!! It's my fav. :)

Brian DePersis said...

I use Nuun products almost exclusively.

Mary Crosson said...

Just plain water, usually.

Deborah Caudill said...

I drink water to hydrate, but I am not a runner. I am recuperating from 2 falls, a broken right leg and shattered right hip, 2 subsequent surgeries and a long recovery. I wish I could run, but I can barely walk. I needed a right knee replacement from all those years of ballet, running and lifting weights and that is why I kept falling. Now, the orthopedist doesn't think I can ever have the knee replacement and my right leg is 2 inches shorter. I will have to try Nuun because it sounds like a great product and maybe if I start swimming again, I can build up my stamina and strength.

Gabby said...

I love to rehydrate with some protein and electrolytes- whether its Gatorade, some nuun, or a flapjacked protein smoothie!

Unknown said...

I just drink water. I tried nuun at my last race and am looking for a place near me to buy some.

Unknown said...

I love nuun! I drink it after all my long runs and always feel so much better!

Unknown said...

It’s always NUUN’o’clock!

Bilqees Bano said...


Amanda W said...

In the summer, I like to hydrate with a few big slices of watermelon and some water. Something about the sugars really helps me out!

Unknown said...

Usually just water, but I do love nuun!!

kmag59 said...

I use Nuun most heavily in the summer, in Washington DC it gets quite humid and it is so important for me to stay hydrated with the right mix of electrolytes when I go to work during they day. I love it!

Kristen M. said...

I stick to water on shorter runs but enjoy Nuun or Skratch for longer runs.

Unknown said...

I use Nuun before, during and after my workouts! Can't live without it!

Unknown said...

Just water after, but I try various hydration tools during long runs in the summer!

Marisol L said...

Powerade or water

Anonymous said...

I definitely enjoy Nuun but also use gatorade from time to time.

Corrina said...

Lots of water and I've been using Nuun for several years now! Love it.

Christy said...

Water and Nuun, especially Nuun Energy.

jamie komadina said...

i rehydrate with nuun boost (caffeiiiiinnneeee) and CHOCOLATE MILK!!

caroline said...

water, water with lemon, seltzer, sometimes nun...

Unknown said...

Nuun all the way! Mango Orange for runs & workouts, Tangerine Lime Nuun Vitamins for sipping throughout the day. #nuunbassador

Kristin Dobbs said...

I usually use nuun or hammer fizz to help fuel my runs.

Unknown said...

I wear an OrangeMud Phone. Flask. Vest filled with water for my runs. I then drink Nuun after the run. :)

Jessalyn B. said...

I am a huge believer in recovery with nuun! It helps be keep that runners high as long as I can, and I try to ride it for the day, especially after long runs.

Kayla klontz said...

I drink the Flavor Ice waters, I dehydrate really easily though.

MichelleCat said...

How I hydrate is dependent on the run and/or type of exercise I am doing: Protein versus electrolytes, etc. No matter what, H2O!

Trim girl said...

Lots of water

Unknown said...

Nuun is awesome, I love the wild berry and blackberry citrus flavors the most!