Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Day 12 of #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas

Thanks so much for stopping by CarleeMcDot.com today. Whether you've been following along on my journey since I started this blog OVER ELEVEN YEARS AGO or you stopped by for the first time today - WELCOME!

And no matter how long you've been visiting, you picked an AMAZING time to pop in because we're celebrating my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas {read my post announcing this series HERE if you don't know what I'm talking about}.

Today is Day 12 of my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas! And the prize today is pretty FAN-FREAKIN'-TASTIC! Although, to be honest, all of the prizes are AMAZEBALLS! If I could enter my own giveaways I'm pretty sure I would enter each and every one of them in this series because they are just that awesome.

Up for grabs today are: 3 Garmin vívoactive® 3.

For today, DAY TWELVE, three winner will be selected, each winning a Garmin vívoactive® 3 of their very own.

I am a numbers girl. I'm sure it wouldn't surprise you to find out that I started college thinking I was going to be a math major (and only switched to Economics when I found out I 'only' needed 4 semesters of Calculus for Econ instead of the 6 for Math). So when I started running outdoors I knew I needed some sort of watch that would help me track my data.


Let's be real, I am frugal and since I wasn't sure if running was going to 'stick' I decided to opt for a refurbished watch I found on eBay. I ended up with the Garmin Forerunner 110 and loved it. It was one of my first running purchases and I had it for the first 2.5 or so years of my running career.

When I realized running was here to stay (and I found a great deal on a new watch so I could "splurge"), I upgraded to the Garmin Forerunner 220. This watch offered many new features (bluetooth connection to Garmin Connect, the ability to set up intervals, a less chunky appearance, etc). I kept this watch for about 2 years until I recently upgraded again.

My current GPS watch is the Garmin Forerunner 735XT (sensing a pattern here?!). This one allows for multi-sport (so instead of everything recording as 'running', I can choose my activity before I begin to include things such as hiking, biking (both indoor and outdoor), swimming (both indoor and outdoor), trail running, strength training, etc). I'm loving my watch, and, if the pattern holds true, will probably have it for another 2 years before upgrading to another Forerunner ;)

Anywho, because Garmin is AMAZING (I have been beyond blessed to have been on their ambassador team for a while now), they offered up not one, not two, but THREE of the new vívoactive® 3's for YOU!


From playing to paying, vívoactive® 3 is the smartwatch for your active life. Make contactless payments with ease, right from your watch, and with more than 15 preloaded sports apps — you can choose how you like to get fit. Built-in GPS lets you record the distance, pace, location and more for your outdoor activities.

Entering this giveaway (along with the other #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas giveaways) is easy-peasy! Simply use the Rafflecopter widget listed below on the giveaway blog post and cross your fingers. Some entries are available daily so I'd HIGHLY recommend entering early and often. (Shoot, I would even go as far as suggesting you set an alarm to remind you to come back to this page every 24 hours so you can take advantage of as many entries as possible!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now, the nitty gritty details... All entries are verified, so please make sure to do whatever the required action for the entry is or it will be disqualified. I would hate for you to miss out on winning due to a technicality, so if you are going to click the option, make sure you do whatever it asks or a new, random winner will be selected in your place.

Also, this giveaway will last seven days, with the winner being picked (and notified) on the eighth day. The winner will have 24 hours to reply to the congratulations email from me to claim their prize. That means, for this specific giveaway, it will end on December 18th at 11:59pm PST and the THREE winners will be chosen on December 19th.

And, finally, the winner must have a US mailing address. International shipping seems to cost an arm and a leg these days, and customs is a major headache, so to make it easier (and cheaper) on the brands who have offered up their products, the winner must live in United States of America (or at least have an address we can ship to within the US).

With that said, BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE WHO ENTERS! I hope you have enjoyed each and every one of my giveaways (and have been lucky enough to have been selected as a winner)! A HUGE THANKS to all of the amazing brands who offered up their products for this series. If you don't follow these companies already, I highly urge you to - they're good people (with awesome products)! You will not be disappointed in any of them!

Here's to 2018's #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas being even better! 


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Jennifer said...

Wake up with a positive attitude and be kind to as any people as possible.

Ray said...

I’m making my wife a surprise dinner to beat yesterday.

Unknown said...

Start the day with a good attitude and treat it as a fresh start.

Kristin said...

Love my Garmin! On my 2nd only because the 1st was stolen :(

Debbie said...

I go back to the very first Garmin for runners. I think it was the Forerunner 101? I’ve never been without since. It’s hard to beat yesterday when you’re 60, but I keep plugging away, pushing myself, and getting the right training done.

Ashleigh said...

I love Garmin and everything that they stand for! As a triathlete I’m constantly pushing myself beyond what I thought I was ever capable of! #beatyesterday

Rhett said...

Going to try to recognize the small steps I’m making rather than worrying about trying to make big leaps I’m not ready for yet, but will get there someday.

Kristin said...

I beat yesterday by hitting the gym @ o'dark-thirty. Yesterday was a REST day!

Katie said...

Today I’m going to #beatyesterday by keeping a positive attitude. I’ve got a big day today... I’m taking my middle son to have him assessed to see if he’s on the autism spectrum. I’m a ball of mixed emotions and I’m trying to hold them all in as to not freak him out. ❤️

Unknown said...

Knowing that healing takes priority and resting my injured back.

Valerie Dale said...

To beat yesterday I will explore all that today has to offer!

Unknown said...

Love my garmin! But wouldn’t mind an upgrade (:

JT said...

I purchased a indoor bicycle trainer since a recent move made me stop my gum membership. I am hoping the ease will get me moving more.

Unknown said...

Today I plan to start my daily running again. The holiday season and 3 kids makes time tight but running needs to always be a part of my day for my mental health.

Ken C said...

Looking to Beat Yesterday by taking some of my kids and dogs on a fun trail run

Unknown said...

Never give up. Keep moving forward!!

Anna Nayeri said...

I want to #beatyesterday by paying it forward to someone in need.

daniel said...

I'll #beatyesterday by focusing on getting after what needs to get done today

Unknown said...

Keep trying to reach my goals.

Jen said...

I'm beating yesterday by taking small steps each day to make progress towards my goals

midwestclaire said...

Started strength training to #beatyesterday

Shannon said...

I plan to run 1,500 miles this year (i'm so close and didn't realize it til I totaled them all up last week!)

Amy said...

Omg! This would be awesome!

Jennifer said...

I hope to beat yesterday by adjusting my attitude. I've run a little low with the cheer lately.

Jenn Cramer said...

Starting to do some speed workouts! So hard, but so good! :)

Sara Hocker said...

I plan to beat yesterday by completing my first Dopey Challenge in three weeks!

Bluegrass Endurance said...

Great giveaway

Heather said...

I plan to #beatyesterday by finding the positives in every moment today.

Unknown said...

I woke up and went to spin before my 12 hour shift!!! Yesterday I snoozed...

Unknown said...

I'm going to beat yesterday, by always pushing myself one more mile and letting my legs rest when they need it!

renata said...

I'm going to beat yesterday by attending a yoga class tonight!

Christina said...

Running hills today to get stronger. #beatyesterday

Unknown said...

How to beat yesterday? How about two-a-days? :-)

Jeff Anderle said...

I am going to #beatyesterday by starting my third week of #marathontraining.

Cassy said...

Getting the work done and making sure to always have a positive attitude no matter what gets thrown your way!

Caitlin said...

I'm currently recovering from two stress fractures in my back and I plan to beat yesterday by remaining smart about my recovery and getting strong and healthy before pushing myself to run too soon! I'm hoping to get back out there real soon though :)

Unknown said...

I plan to beat yesterday by challenging myself continuously and always seeking out new adventures!

Runninghuntress said...

I live by the quote, “never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”
Positive attitude makes all the difference

Kristen said...

Got up early and got my run in for the first time in a week!

Anonymous said...

I will beat yesterday by being consistent in my workouts. You have to put in the work to achieve the desired result.

Danielle said...

Beat yesterday..smash goals!

Leslie H. said...

Your stronger than you think

Nick said...

I’d love to switch up from an Apple Watch!

Unknown said...

I got up and did strength and will do my speedwork on the treadmill later today!

jessiewynne said...

To #beatyesterday I try to appreciate the little accomplishments and recognize that baby steps are still steps forward.

mom27g said...

I am going to make sure to get my workout in and keep a positive attitude.

FireRunner2379 said...

I plan to #BeatYesterday by training hard, following a plan and eating right!

queenphish said...

I plan to eat a healthy lunch and dinner with lots of vegetables to beat yesterday!

Unknown said...

Best giveaway ever! I am going to beat yesterday for beasting hills for breakfast! - Kim K.

Britany said...

I plan to #BeatYesterday by keeping on my streak for this month! 1 mile every day to improve my time!

Anonymous said...

I beat yesterday by having a positive attitude. Attitude is everything.

Kristina Youn Scherrer said...

I plan to #beatyesterday by putting myself on a priority list for a change!!

Joey said...

This is awesome thanks for doing thsee giveaways.

Unknown said...

I plan to #beatyesterday by thinking positively, giving everything 100%, and taking time to stretch and relax when I need to.

Unknown said...

I plan to #beatyesterday by taking things one step at a time and living more in the moment

Unknown said...

Beat yesterday by setting goals for yourself and continuing to work at them everyday. No matter how long it takes to reach that goal, you are beating yesterday by continuing to work at it! - Courtney L.

John @ run. geek. run(disney) said...

That's an awesome giveaway. I have the original vivoactive and it is has seen many a better days. I love how far it's come. I'm looking to #beatyesterday by giving myself more priority to take care of my needs, mentally and physically.

Unknown said...

Beat yesterday is a mentality of positivity for me. It's banishing negative thoughts abit more each day.

Amy Lauren Scott said...

I plan to Beat Yesterday by doing all my PT exercises and trying to get healthy for 2018.

Tara W said...

#beatyesterday by mixing up workouts (fartlek, hills, slow days, etc.) and also using my rest days to actually rest.

Shiduna Townsend said...

I'm in the midst of physical therapy and I strive to do better each session and do my exercises at home everyday, because I want to run again!

Amanda said...

I best yesterday by waking up early so I can get a workout in

Daisy said...

By actually getting on the treadmill after work on the days weather or time doesn't permit an outdoor run pre-work. Also by walking fast down the hallway at work on my breaks. By taking the fitness and food journey one day at a time.

Chasity said...

Getting out to run isn’t difficult, but hitting my planned gym days are harder. So to beat yesterday, I plan on making the goal of my gym days that are planned.

Sarah N said...

I #beatyesterday by adding more strength training to my workout routine

Unknown said...

Rest until my injury is completely healed

erindegroff said...

I try to #beatyesterday by making running fun--running with friends, dressing up for races, racing with my kids. You've got to keep things interesting to stay motivated!

Unknown said...

I beat yesterday by actually working out today! I missed yesterday due to having a toddler with a fever and little sleep
Linda Key (fitlinda31)

Heather K said...

Let all fall into place. Stop "tracking" so much.

Rachel P said...

Ill beat yesterday by doing some xt and strength today!

Little Runner Em said...

I plan to #beatyesterday by always working towards a better tomorrow! Thanks for all the giveaways! You're the BEST!

Unknown said...

Beat yesterday by just putting one foot in front of the other and be the best I can!!

Unknown said...

I plan to beat yesterday by shouting down the inner voice that tries to slow me down.

Unknown said...

TThis is awesome. Been looking a good Garmin to use with my running.

Misti said...

Yesterday was the first day of my fitness class twice a week goal, day 1 in the books

josephine said...

by running!

kim said...

I plan to beat yesterday by having a plan. Cheesy, but if I know the night before what my goal is for the next day, I don't dread it, but look forward to it.

Krysta Jensen said...

Sharing more kindness

Running Ragged said...

I NEED this! My husband just got himself one and LOVES it!

Unknown said...

To commit to meeting my goals everyday but not beating myself up if I don't reach them

Unknown said...

I plan to #beatyesterday with a fresh focus on goals with each new day! That may even setting new goals continuously.

Holly said...

I beat yesterday by getting up at 4:25 am and killing my leg workout and 8 mile run! I want this watch soooo badly ����������������

Kristin Dobbs said...

I plan to #beatyesterday by keep pushing everyday towards my goals

Brittany Artz said...

I wear a beat yesterday tag on my shoe every run to remind myself to constantly strive for progress.

Sabrina Fowler said...

No matter how hard it may seem, get up and attack the day all over again. Do something that is not the to do list. Do something for myself, every little thing counts

Megan Warzecha said...

My Compete training journal has my full plan to #BeatYesterday. More fruits and vegetables. Less alcohol. Full 8 hours of sleep. 2 hard strength sessions/week, mini bands 3x/week, stretch every day. MORE WATER. And own those tempo and speed sessions, even when they get really tough. Working towards that 26.2 PR, baby!

Sarah said...

Just get moving!

Keri said...

I plan to beat yesterday by giving myself the rest I need for a good workout and going to bed early

Laney W. said...

I #beatyesterday by keeping a positive mindset and maintaining the willpower to continue my journey to a healthier lifestyle. Would LOVE to win this to help me track and celebrate my workouts!

Unknown said...

I plan to beat yesterday but starting day one of my marathon training plan!

Bryan said...

I'll be healthier today, than I was yesterday.

Ricky said...

Still using a phone to track my data so this would be awesome to launch and observe my training goals!

Marissa said...

I will beat yesterday but continuing to stay positive, be kind to others, and get my run in for some self care.

Kelly said...

I will beat yesterday by always pushing myself to go further and work harder!

Carmen said...

Letting an injury heal.

Unknown said...

I will #beat yesterday by having a new prescriptive and enjoying the journey.

Unknown said...

By continuing to train for the WDW marathon while over 30 weeks pregnant & keep a smile on my face while doing so.

Elle said...

I will beat yesterday by letting go! Knowing you can not change others, but you can change yourself and be the change as you and Ghandi say.😊

Jamie Komadina said...

my plan to beat yesterday: make dietary choices based on my long term goals, have an attitude based on my long term goals, cross train like it's going out of style and RUN HAPPY!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I would love a Garmin as I train for my first marathon!!

Unknown said...

I plan to #beatyesterday by doing more strength training.

Unknown said...

Beating yesterday by being a positive influence on those around me :)

imbigwillie said...

I plan to #beatyesterday by exercising a little longer.

robin parker said...

i am going to #beatyesterday by going for a un today. my 12 hour workday left me too exhausted for anything but sitting on the couch. i would love a new garmin because mine is a few years old. :)

Brittany Vola said...

I try to #beatyesterday by striving for progress, not perfection and trying to keep a positive attitude!

newsomce said...

Beating yesterday by being more committed to my training schedule to help me achieve my goals for my first marathon in March :)

wvmello said...

I am going to #beatyesterday by starting to add speedwork and group runs in for this cycle of half marathon training!

Unknown said...

I will try to #beatyesterday by expressing positive vibes for myself and others around me!

Julie said...

I'm going to beat yesterday by staying focused on what I need to accomplish today and not getting distracted!

Allen Whittaker said...

I #beatyesterday by always striving to be the best I can be in everything I do.

Anonymous said...

Well for starters I hope to stay awake past 7pm. :P I hope to #beatyesterday by becoming more self motivated each day, rather than relying on someone else or something for the push.

Unknown said...

I'm going to beat yesterday by not having a bah humbug day!

Anonymous said...

I plan to beat yesterday by coming back stronger and faster postpartum! Mommy power ;-)

Unknown said...

I love Garmin, I have a Forerunner 230 right now and I am hoping to upgrade at Christmas, maybe it will be free

Whitney said...

I plan to beat yesterday by paying attention to my nutrition closer today and drinking a gallon of water! Thank you, Carlee!

Coach Henness said...

I need to get organized to beat yesterday. We'll have a nephew coming to live with us and life will be crazy BUT the good thing is he likes to run and be active and doesn't like to be alone so. More activity for everyone!

Josi Barksdale said...

I plan to beat yesterday by ramping up my training in 2018, daring to dream big dreams and finishing my first marathon!! :)

Unknown said...

Keep telling myself “need to beat yesterday” but I’m not doing a very good job at it. Need some motivation.

Elise Matulis said...

I plan to beat yesterday by continuing to push towards my goals and to not lose sight or what I hope to accomplish!

Unknown said...

Running more miles and getting to the gym!

Unknown said...

Love my Garmin forerunner but would love an update!

Jolene said...

I plan to beat yesterday by going to bed earlier! I love my purple forerunner 220!!! I'm trying to keep it for a few more years, but it's hard when I see the upgrades.

Disney_Bride said...

I plan to beat yesterday by improving my sleeping habits. This year worked a lot on eating a cleaner diet - cutting out soda, and cutting back way on processed vegan 'junk food'. Next year I will keep moving towards more raw vegan and also getting more sleep. - Monica

Unknown said...

Big half marathon goals next year!

Steffanie Seiler said...

I plan to #beatyesterday but going to my first group run meet-up at a track this evening. I've been wanting to get involved in group runs for a while now and I recently met someone who attends a Tuesday night thing regularly and she invited me along!

Reca Porter said...

My way to beat yesterday is to keep up on my cross training while I let my foot recover from plantar fasciitis. Right now I’m only walking, but I’m seeing improvement across my other areas of activity and I’ll be back to running stronger than ever!

Unknown said...

I'm on the way to 1,000 miles for this year (running)! Just a few more to go.

Unknown said...

I will #BeatYesterday by keeping a positive mind.

Anonymous said...

My way to #beatyesterday is to keep moving forward - I got injured doing my first half marathon (RNR Vegas!) and it's been a slow recovery, but already, I've run more this week than last!

Unknown said...

well today is my rest day, but still planning to get in my step goal & 2-3 miles!

runhikeplay said...

I like to keep a positive attitude and just try my best unless of course it's an easy run day and then I just take it easy. ;)

San said...

I am planning to beat yesterday by being kind and reminding myself that EVERY day is a new day to change your life!

Dukelmo said...

Currently motivated by a runbet!

Jennifer H. said...

I plan to #beatyesterday buy finally loosing the baby weight. This year will be the year of “me getting healthy.”

Laura McCarthy said...

I plan on beating yesterday by leaving excuses behind and being grateful for every opportunity that presents itself :)

Unknown said...

I decided to get a run coach to help me get to the next level, so that is how I will beat yesterday and continue to beat my yesterday's!

Jamie Mo. said...

Just to always just to be my best and show up!

Unknown said...

make a goal to do 3 morning workouts each work week!

erinb said...

I plan to #beatyesterday by giving it my all at crossfit. (I love the idea of built-in Apple pay on this watch btw)

Kim said...

continue to strive and push myself to get faster, stronger, kinder, and happier!

Unknown said...

I plan to #beatyesterday by writing down all my intentions for the month and consistently tracking my progress.

Andrea La Bella said...

Have a positive outlook on life, and don't get discouraged when training doesn't go my way. Never giving up is how I plan to #beatyesterday in 2018. Bring it On!

Unknown said...

I plan to #beatyesterday by going to spin class!

Unknown said...

Living the moment

Carissa said...

I plan to beat yesterday by giving my best, having a positive attitude, and not sweating the small things. I love Garmin products! I never take my Garmin vivofit off.

Unknown said...

I plan to beat yesterday by treating my body right and letting it recover.

Unknown said...

By running a few more miles :-)

Kelli H said...

I plan to beat yesterday by embracing new challenges every day.

Unknown said...

Love Garmin!

Unknown said...

I plan to beat yesterday by adding better nutrition to my training.

Liz said...

Love Garmin everything!

Unknown said...

I plan to beat yesterday by waking up early, slaying my last nursing school final for this semester, making a healthy dinner, and BEING HAPPY! Live in the moment!

Unknown said...

Today I beat yesterday with 5 miles!!

gowafflego said...

After a rocky first marathon, it has been a struggle getting back into the swing of things. I'm going for a run today to beat yesterday!

Amanda Williams said...

Keep on top of my training, every second counts!

RyCav said...

You are such an inspiration, Carlee! Thank you for lifting our spirits and encouraging so many others to find happiness through being active!

Mattie said...

Beat yesterday by showing up today!

KV H said...

I plan to beat yesterday by focusing on goals.

Ashley said...

Beat tomorrow by being better than yesterday! Whether that's eating better, working out that extra day or just dragging myself out of bed for an early run.

Unknown said...

I plan to beat yesterday by always getting out of bed and making the best of my day whether it's at work or on a run!

Unknown said...

I'm going to beat yesterday by getting my butt out in the Cold today...so cold here but no excuses!

Unknown said...

Beat yesterday by getting my run in!

Unknown said...

When I miss a run or workout one day I try to add just a little bit more to the next one. If I have a tough workout I couldn't complete or just didn't feel like i put it all out there, I try harder on the next one.

Tina G said...

I add one more pushup than last, one more kilometre, one more of whatever it was the last workout was. little by little trying to improve, increase and #beatyesterday and make today better

Rosa said...

by running even when its cold and dark in the morning

ahotsouthernmess said...

getting back into shape after a baby...but I realize I created a human :)

Just Me Chelsea B. said...

I plan on beating yesterday by stretching post run today! :) I didn't do a run or a stretch session yesterday so today is already half better!!! :)

toolie said...

I aim to go on my stationary bike while watching tv. Each time I try to #beatyesterday time
(Stacey h)

Sara said...

I plan to beat yesterday by trying harder each and every day.

Unknown said...

Get something done- 10 min run or 10 min strength training is better than nothing!

Erica said...

Currently training to beat my marathon PR!!! better and stronger each day!

Unknown said...

I just started incorporating speed workouts into my training schedule for the first time in my 17 year running career. I find them intimidating on paper but invigorating when I’m done and realize how fast I can go!

Sadie said...

I try to beat yesterday by doing something good for me and my family everyday.
Sadie B.

Jess said...

I try to set weekly goals, but do a little better at them each day!

Amanda F. said...

Drink More Water!

Anonymous said...

My wife and I have a step competition every day so that encourages us to beat the previous day and so on and so forth.

KookyRunner said...

I will beat yesterday by aiming for a marathon PR in 2018

Unknown said...

Woke up at dark o'thirty to beat yesterday!

Unknown said...

Making time for myself for mental and physical health!

Unknown said...

¡Hola Carlee!
How do I beat yesterday? By constantly challenging myself to be better. There’s no worst enemy than out own mind and my mind is as evil as the Joker. Even then and ever since I changed my lifestyle, I’ve become better, faster, stronger and healthier. From
Being the chubby girl to being admire because I ran my first marathon this year. The satisfaction of beating yesterday is as rewarding as a box of donuts or a slice of pizza after a race. Beating yesterday isn’t about beating someone or something, its about beating your fears, procrastination and any other mental obstacle we create.

This time, I am not only going to prepare to run one marathon but two next year. I want to show myself that i can and I will.

Thank you, Carlee!

Lisa Bess said...

Everyday is a new day, and everyday I decide to work out or go running I feel like I'm succeeding- but I take it day by day. I also have a little one that looks up me and his dad, so he is a big motivation, I want to show him a healthy lifestyle.

Katy C. said...

I am working on strength training!

AK359 said...

Beat yesterday by learning from what you did before.

Lyns said...

Matter over matter mantra and never give in to excuses!

Rach_Runs_RVA said...

I plan to #BeatYesterday by overcoming the obstacles I am facing with my knee and taking each new day as a fresh beginning. Going to work hard, rehab and come back stronger in 2018!

Gabby Leach said...

Wow, so genourous of Garmin! I’ve loved both of my forerunner’s that I’ve owned!

Anonymous said...

Beat yesterday!! Woo who! - Lora Knowles

Unknown said...

I need to learn Balance and not do more than my body can handle

Jessy S said...

I beat yesterday by moving a little more, pushing a little harder!

Unknown said...

Eeeeek! In need of a new garmin! Lovey garmin but ready for a new running buddy!

Unknown said...

Beating yesterday by planning and positive vibes!

Shaffer Farms Sourdough said...

Always having a goal in mind...even if it's just maintaining the progress I've already made!

Sara Neuhaus said...

Beating yesterday right now means crushing my step goals. I have been sidelined for running, so I'm still trying to make sure that I am meeting the step goals that I have for myself. I actually use the "Beat Yesterday" watch face on my Forerunner!

Anonymous said...

How am I gonna #beatyesterday? I think it'll take just 1 mile mile. 1 more hill. 1 more step. I get overwhelmed with #bqorbust big goals, but I can focus on the small next right thing, the next right decision, just the next right step.

Kelsey Schmidt said...

I plan to beat yesterday by getting back in shape and get ready for the Chicago marathon next fall!

Marisol L said...

Walking double what I did the day before.

Farrah said...

Holy what!? This is such an amazing giveaway! I've heard awesome things about the Garmin Vivoactive and just started running again a couple weeks ago after a 7-year hiatus--this would be awesome to keep me on track! <3

Unknown said...

You had me at I <3 math! I WAS a Math Major and I probably would have switched from econ to math just to take those extra Calculus classes! :-)

mary said...

3 miles today and stretching tonight! #beatyesterday

Kyle said...

Thank you for this opportunity. This is incredible. Always wanted one of these. Thanks

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