Friday, October 7, 2016

Friday Favorites

Another week bites the dust. This week has both flown by and drug on all at the same time - but I'd have to assume it's because my training has been very minimal as I have been allowing my body as much time as necessary to rest and recover after last weekend's marathon. But, enough about that, let's jump in and see what I've been digging lately!


I don't know if you remember earlier this year, but Momentum Jewelry kicked off an AWESOME campaign as a way to share a little extra encouragement and called it #ShareTheSPARK. The project was a MAJOR SUCCESS so Momentum brought it back again [from October 1st through 31st] - WHOO HOO! 


Momentum will be offering 4 special #ShareTheSPARK Motivate Wraps for just $10 throughout the month of October. This is an AMAZING time to stock up on these wraps - grab them for stocking stuffers, secret Santa gifts, BRF birthdays, running group giveaways, etc. Do you know someone who could use a little pat on the back or a 'hey, I'm in your corner!' gesture? These are a perfect way to be someone's cheerleader. And don't forget one (or four) for yourself!

Sugar Wish

I was introduced to this product last week by the ever so amazing family - @fitfam6! They sent me a good luck gift through Sugar Wish and it was such a fun idea I thought I'd share what it was with you. A Sugarwish is a candy gift that allows you to choose the candy that you want to receive. And best of all, everything, including shipping, is covered by the sender, so the recipient literally just selects their fave candies and enjoys the gift.

I ordered gummy pink Cadillacs and Reese's pieces for the hubby and I grabbed sour watermelon slices and chewy Sprees for myself. I normally don't have a super sweet tooth, but how could I turn down these yummy treats?! Not to mention, they came at the perfect timing when I was celebrating the St. George Marathon.

Run With Perseverance Tanks

I know I have mentioned these in the past, but I just got my latest order of Run With Perseverance tanks, and like always, I'm in LOVE! These tanks are super comfy and have some great sayings. This time around I ordered the #RUN, Super Wifey, Until There's Nothing Left, and RUN HARD And Be Nice To People tanks. My closet may be overflowing with these tanks, but I can never have too many!

Although I was a card-carrying member of the #SportsBraSquad for most of this summer, I think we are finally heading into tank top season (aka SoCal Fall) so I am stoked to be able to bust these out on my upcoming runs!

Rocked the #RUN tank yesterday during my first run back after this weekend's race

Football Season

I always love football season, but, let's be real, it is so much more fun when your team is winning! The Michigan Wolverines are currently 5-0. Even though some of the games have started off slow or a little rocky, the boys have been able to turn it around and find a way to win. We are currently ranked 4th in the nation (although I am well aware we may not have had to face 'tough' opponents yet) and I am doing a happy dance! Seeing as the Tigers missed the playoffs and the Lions are, well, the Lions, it is great to have a winning team to root for week after week!

I know some folks have asked why I do my long runs on Friday since it isn't necessarily the norm. One reason is so I have more time to spend with the hubby when he is off work. But another reason, especially in the fall, is because I normally have a 3+ hour date with the TV and my guys in Maize and Blue every Saturday!

So, what are you digging these days? 

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