Thursday, September 8, 2016

REVIEW: Eye Love Sunnies (& Giveaway)

A few weeks ago I received an email from Eye Love about doing a potential review for their company. Come to find out, I actually went to High School with the SeeEO (cute, right?!). I'm always up for trying out a new product, especially one that I have a connection with, but once I learned more about the company I was SOLD!


Living in the Southern California sun requires some sort of eyewear protection (or else you are squinting 95% of the day and ending up with massive headaches, not to mention wrinkles). If you follow me on social media then I'm sure you are well aware of my love for sunglasses (mostly because I'm not sure that hats were really made for my head... Strike that, reverse it). I have a bazillion and a half pairs of sunnies, so why not add another?!

But, you see, these sunnies aren't your average pair of sunglasses. They actually help provide an eye examination and glasses to someone in need. (Oh yeah, and they are polarized, have UV400 protection, are glare-eliminating and not just a cheap pair that I received as some race freebie.) So not only can you feel good about the pair of sunnies on your face, but you know you are getting a premium quality product.

I was sent a pair of the Women's Premium Designer Polarized Sunglasses - Brown Matte. Not only do you receive the sunnies, but there are a plethora of bonuses that arrive too. A hard case - stylish and functional? Yes please! A soft case - use the soft case if you feel like going smaller. A microfiber cleaning cloth - to keep your sunnies so fresh and so clean! And a screwdriver - allows you to tighten those screws to keep them feeling brand new.

Although these sunnies aren't for running, I have found plenty of other times to wear them around town. They are super cute (even if they may not have been a style I would have originally selected for myself), with a slightly over-sized round lens combined with sleek, slender temples.

Eye Love was started in May of 2015 with the ultimate goal being to build permanent clinics in areas that have no access to quality eye care. As active members of Great Shape, Inc, and more specifically the iCARE project, Drs. Jenna and Travis Zigler travel to Jamaica every year to give eye examinations and dispense eyeglasses. I LOVE Eye Love (even if they did go to the OSU College of Optometry)!

Dr. Travis Zigler and Dr. Jenna Zigler

Since my birthday is on the 10th of this month, why not do a giveaway of TEN PAIRS of sunnies?! Yep, you read that correctly! Eye Love has offered up 10 pairs of sunglasses for my friends, family and followers! Entering is easy and Eye Love has men's and women's sunglasses, so EVERYONE should be jumping up and down to get in on this giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
This giveaway runs through Wednesday, September 14th at 11:59pm PST. The winners will be contacted via the email address associated with their Rafflecopter account and have 24 hours to claim their prize. All entries are verified, so be sure to complete them or a new, random winner will be selected (I don't want you missing out due to a technicality).
Good luck to everyone who enters and remember to enter early & often as some of the options are available daily!


Margaret said...

Only two pairs of sunglasses for me - and I am constantly losing them!

Unknown said...

Can I plead the 5th on this? I have sunglasses everywhere because I hate to be without them (in my gym bag, in my car, in my purse, at my desk, etc).

Unknown said...

I think I have 5 pairs now. I keep losing them, buying more, and then finding the old pair again. I always keep one pair in my every day bag so I'm never without.

Unknown said...

I have 2 right now. I usually have 1 but they keep breaking on me and I keep buying them.Now that I have 2, they are still good, ��

Unknown said...

I have 2 right now. I usually have 1 but they keep breaking on me and I keep buying them.Now that I have 2, they are still good, ��

Meg said...

I currently have about 10 pairs of sunnies :)

Anonymous said...

one and they are free ones!

Rhett said...

I have one pair that I try to make multipurpose -- running, life, everything. It would be helpful to have more than one, and if I could make them last longer. Also, really cool to see this company's MO. Thanks for hosting.

KimJ said...

I currently have about 10 pair of sunnies, plus 2 pair of Rx. Sunnies for running and sunnies for funning! :)

Jennifer said...

I had one pair but it got broken...:(

Unknown said...

I have too many to count!

Jen said...

I have 2, mostly because I'm so picky. One in the car and one at work for recess

ivieanne said...

I typically have 2, a brown and a never know which you will need!

Unknown said...

Super cute!

Kristina Xoxtinao said...

I have three pairs but I always lose them and can only find one at a time if I'm lucky ��

Ellen said...

I'm down to one regular pair. I just lost my running sunglasses. They mysteriously disappeared while on vaca! :(

kellyr78 said...

I own 2-3 pairs.

Shiduna Townsend said...

I own 2 pair of sunglasses (a "cute" pair for show and a pair with UV protection).

FunRunner said...

3 pairs, 1 for running and 2 cheap pairs in case I lose them.

beadsapp said...

I had one pair of really nice sunglass that my husband bought me for my birthday but now I have now because the dogs chewed them up.. ;(

Unknown said...

I have three pairs - Rayban Aviators, clubmasters, and a random pair for running!

Unknown said...

How awesome! It's like Toms, except better because not being able to see sucks! Btw, even though they aren't your normal style they look good! ��

Holly said...

Such an awesome company and way to give back! I love those glasses and what they represent. Definitely entering to win! :-)

Anonymous said...

I have three pairs, all of them I got for free. So I would love some nice ones!

Anonymous said...

I have two pairs that I'm currently cycling through. I feel like you can never have too many pairs of sunglasses though.

Mrs. D said...

I LOVE THIS!!! My husband is an optometrist & we LOVE finding companies that do good. In fact he's done a couple mission trips himself & he does exams for a local facility here that has young men in need. Love love love!!!! Carlee, you find the best brands to partner with :)

Anonymous said...

I have one pair that I've been hold on to for awhile now. I really need a new pair though.

Jessie Stocker said...

Girl, I own about 5 cheap pairs that I can never find! I keep buying them because they're cheap, and I'm not too upset if they're lost haha. I need a nice quality pair that will encourage me to keep track of them. :)


Libby said...

I have 4 pairs, but I just moved and have ZERO idea where they are! HAHAHA

erindegroff said...

I have one pair of sunglasses that I will wear until I either lose or break them. Then I buy another pair :)

Ken C said...

None currently but need a piar

Briana said...

8, I think?

Meesh said...

Cute Shades! That is fun. I own a lot! Between having a convertible and running, they get a lot of use!

EB said...

I have probably 4-5 pairs that I wear on a regular basis. The joys of living in the south!

shopgirl said...

I'm living on the edge - only 1 pair right now!

Unknown said...

I have two pairs of sunglasses. Ray Bans and Oakleys.

Smash Runner said...

I have 2 right now! Hoping fooor mooooore!

Krysta Jensen said...

I own 3 sunglasses. 1 good and 2 scratched. 1 pair of prescription sunglasses. I live in sunglasses.

Tami said...

2. One for running and one for when I'm out.

Unknown said...

I feel like I own 20 pairs of sunnies and somehow can never find them...always have one in the car/house/run bag/head ha! This Alabama sun kills

ahotsouthernmess said...

I usually wear a hat and my regular glasses, but if i decide to get contacts I'd love these!

Gabriella said...

Had one pair that broke...not nearly as cool as these, though!

Lori Thornton said...

If we're being honest ... 4, but only 2 that are functional, and yet 2 that I just can't get rid of. *sigh*

San said...

I only own one pair... sad, right?

Jenny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenny said...

I own 2 pairs .... random fact ... people that live in Seattle spend more money on sunglasses than anyone else! True story! It's not consistently sunny enough to keep track of them so we always lose them!

Emily S said...

I only own 1 pair and they're breaking!

josephine said...

i have 2 pairs... of the same glasses... so one pair with an extra?

Danielle said...

I own just one pair, and I don't step outside without them

John @ run. geek. run(disney) said...

I have 4 I use in regular rotate between running and general wearing.

AER-Runs said...

I own 3 pairs of sunglasses- 1 pair of prescription sunglasses for the beach, a running pair, and an everyday pair!

Amber Ludwig said...

4 but I have an issue with constantly losing them lol!!

Allen Whittaker said...

I have several pairs but several that need to be replaced!

Anonymous said...

1 pair that's in good condition, a couple old pairs as spares

Anonymous said...

pair that's in good condition, a couple old pairs as spares - Fran

Erin said...

I have 2 but definitely in need of a new pair!

Erin said...

I have 2 but definitely in need of a new pair!

Kathleen said...

What a wonderful way to support charity!

Jolene said...

I have one pair that I wear all the time and several hiding in random places in my car and purse! Love these sunglasses!!

Katie B said...

I have 2 pairs, both that I keep in the car. My drive to work always has me in the sun so sunnies are a must!

sarah n said...

I have 3 pairs. One pair for everyday wear and two pairs of XX2i sunglass for running, one in pink and one in orange. I won both pairs at local marathons.

selah said...

I think I have 7 pairs, but only 3 get worn.

Unknown said...

2 pairs 1 for running and 1 non running

Unknown said...

I have two pairs. One is prescription for driving and such, and one pair of cheapies for everyday wear.

gowafflego said...

I own 3 pairs casual and 1 pair for running.

Chantelle said...

I own 4, but only really use 2. One pair just pinches my nose too much lol and other pair were a pricey gift, making me too nervous to wear!

Unknown said...

I own 2 pairs - one for each car (mine and my husbands) so im never without
mammoo84 at

Wehaf said...

I have my regular pair (always with me) and a few spares that I don't like as much, for emergencies.

Chelsea B. said...

This is the first time I have heard about the company. What a great business model!!!!

Lora @ Crazy Running Girl said...

I have three on my counter right now... hahaha. And more in the bathroom. :)

Tara said...

I probably own about 6 pairs of sunnies but I basically rotate between by pink and blue aviators.

Unknown said...

I probably have 5 pairs of sunglasses. I only wear 2 of them. One is prescription sunglasses and the other is not. The 3 that I don't wear are promotional freebies that I keep just in case! 😎

kymom13 said...

I own four pairs but only really wear 2 of them as they are nicer. The other two are for backup.

Maureen Alley said...

I have four pairs of sunnies.

Maureen Alley said...

I have four pairs of sunnies.

As good as it Gets! said...

Always on the lookout for new sunglasses here in CA. Thanks for the options here.

Kara said...

I own three pairs - one prescription & two cheaper fun/trendy pairs.

Erica @ Erica Finds said...

6 or 7 because I always forget them and buy new ones on sunny trips ;) Only a few are "good ones." Of course I never lose or break the cheap ones!

Love this company's mission! So cool!

Heather Runs 13.1 said...

I have a lot of freebie sunglasses, but probably only one good pair. And I'm prone to losing or breaking them :-\

Unknown said...

In rotating three pairs right now but i have plenty more stashed here, thereand everywhere. I love me some cute, fun, functional sunglasses!!

blew415 said...

4- 2 oakleys, 1 raybans, 1 dior

Cassie said...

I have one pair of sunglasses and they are prescription. I bought them last year and I love them. I could always use another pair of regular sunglasses though!