Thursday, September 1, 2016


A friend contacted me a couple of days ago about a project she is working on - #GirlsRunTheWorld. As soon as I heard the premise I knew I had to get involved in any way that I could (and hopefully you will feel the same way after reading this post). You see, there have been WAY TOO MANY incidents of violence against female runners lately (let's be real, one incident is one too many).

Media often tells female runners "Don't run outside. Running is dangerous. Stay in large groups. Don't you dare run when it is dark out." Wait, what?! Why in the heck aren't we addressing the REAL issue?! What about telling men that it is NOT okay to hurt, attack or kill women (or anyone for that matter)?! Isn't this along the lines of victim blaming?! Why aren't be focusing on the perpetrators instead of the victims?! GRRRRRRRRRR! This stuff just makes my skin crawl!


But before I get off on too much of a tangent, let's get back to the project at hand.

On September 3rd, this Saturday, people all over the world are running to send a message to the unknown perpetrators of recent violence against women runners that WE WILL NOT BE STOPPED. Everywhere, throughout their day on their daily runs, runners will be wearing YELLOW to draw attention to our numbers, to our strength, to our courage, as we hit the streets in celebration of running and to remember Nicolette Brueger, Katrina Vetrano, Vanessa Marcotte and all the other strong, women runners who have faced violence or harassment on the streets.

We want the people who committed those acts to look and see women in yellow running everywhere, refusing to stay home. We want people looking out their windows to marvel at the sheer number of runners in their neighborhood. We want the creeps who hurt our fellow women runners to recognize how cowardly their acts were - and how strong and big we all can be. No matter the time of day or location that we run, we should feel safe to take to the streets or the trails and do what we love - NO MATTER WHAT! Let's stand together, let's run together, let's fight the good fight!

Whether you're a man or woman, you knew the runners or not, please join in by wearing YELLOW and running in unity! Share on your social media platforms, add the hashtags to your selfies or #FlatRunners, tell your running club or a group of friends and set up a time to run together. Nothing you do is too small, every person and every runner matters! [PS A Facebook Event has been created, so you can easily share the info, invite friends and fellow runners to join, etc.]
This Saturday is the Disneyland 10K, and as coincident may have it, my costume involves a yellow top (but that's the only hint you are getting until I post my #FlatCarlee on Friday) so I was already on it! I plan on joining the movement, spreading the word and standing in alliance with the running community! I hope that you will throw on some YELLOW, lace up your running shoes and join in the fight!

#Running #GirlsRunTheWorld #RunInYellow #CantStopWontStop #WeWillNotBeStopped #RunChat #RunThisYear #RunLOVED #Runspiration


San said...

'Why in the heck aren't we addressing the REAL issue?! What about telling men that it is NOT okay to hurt, attack or kill women (or anyone for that matter)?!"

THIS x 100!!!!

This is a great and important cause, Carlee. Thanks for letting us know about the September, 3 event.

Denielle B. said...

I'll be out there in yellow! Thank you for posting this information!