Monday, December 5, 2016

Day 5 of 12 Days of Carlee's Christmas

Thanks so much for stopping by today. Whether you've been following along on my journey since I started this blog TEN YEARS AGO or you stopped by for the first time today - WELCOME!

And no matter how long you've been visiting, you picked an AMAZING time to pop in because we're celebrating my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas {read my post announcing this series HERE if you don't know what I'm talking about}.

Today is Day 5 of my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas! And the prize today is pretty FAN-FREAKIN'-TASTIC! Although, to be honest, all of the prizes are AMAZEBALLS! If I could enter my own giveaways I'm pretty sure I would enter each and every one of them in this series because they are just that awesome.

Up for grabs today are: 5 boxes of PROBAR goodies.

For today, DAY FIVE, five winners will be selected, each winning a box of PROBAR goodies (either an Endurance Pack, a box of BOLT chews {strawberry} or a box of BASE bars {peanut butter chocolate}).

To say the hubby and I are #FueledByPROBAR would be an understatement. I'll have a BASE bar for breakfast before workouts, the hubby takes a MEAL bar with him to work for lunch every day, we both snack on FUEL bars when we're out and about, and I fuel my long runs with BOLT chews. Once you find something that works, stick with it, right?!

And now PROBAR is offering Nut Butters, oh, say it ain't so! I haven't tried any of them, but if their other products are a tell-tale sign of how AMAZING these are, I know my wallet is in for some trouble (but my taste buds will jump for joy).


We love PROBAR for oh so many reasons. Just a few of them are because they create delicious, convenient, healthy food products. Their ingredients are plant-based, coming from sustainable sources which have a small impact on the earth and a significant and positive impact on our bodies. PROBAR doesn't compromise when it comes to quality, and their Non-GMO Project Verified products are proof that packaged food can maintain quality, sustainability, purity and taste. Not only that, PROBAR uses certified organic ingredients in their products.

Entering this giveaway (along with the other #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas giveaways) is easy-peasy! Simply use the Rafflecopter widget listed below on the giveaway blog post and cross your fingers. Some entries are available daily so I'd HIGHLY recommend entering early and often. (Shoot, I would even go as far as suggesting you set an alarm to remind you to come back to this page every 24 hours so you can take advantage of as many entries as possible!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now, the nitty gritty details... All entries are verified, so please make sure to do whatever the required action for the entry is or it will be disqualified. I would hate for you to miss out on winning due to a technicality, so if you are going to click the option, make sure you do whatever it asks or a new, random winner will be selected in your place.

Also, this giveaway will last seven days, with the winners being picked (and notified) on the eighth day. The winners will have 24 hours to reply to the congratulations email from me to claim their prize. That means, for this giveaway, it will end on December 11th at 11:59pm PST and the FIVE winners will be chosen on December 12th.

And, finally, the winners must have a US mailing address. International shipping seems to cost an arm and a leg these days, and customs is a major headache, so to make it easier (and cheaper) on the brands who have offered up their products, the winners must live in United States of America (or at least have an address we can ship to within the US).

With that said, BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE WHO ENTERS! And don't forget to stop back tomorrow to see what is up next in my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas (I promise you do NOT want to miss out on any of these giveaways!)!

PS Just in case you aren't one of the FIVE lucky winners, you can still use coupon code "MCDOT16" for 15% off your order (because EVERYONE is a WINNER in my book)! So go get your shop on and save a few dollars in the process!


KookyRunner said...

My go to fuel for long runs are Honey Stinger chews or gels, but I do like the ProBar bars when I need a snack in between meals.

Running With The Girls said...

Honey Stinger or Untapped :)

Anonymous said...

i use glukos chews && gu gels.

Ken C said...

I am a fan of honeystinger and probar

Kristin said...

I usually use honey stinger chews but I'm always looking to try something new.

AngelWinner said...

The Probars!

Mark Posey said...

I don't really have one "go-to" fuel for long runs. I use whatever I happen to have at the time. Now might be a good time to tart using Probars.

Unknown said...

I like Huma gels or raisins!

Amy Lauren Scott said...

I haven't been doing long runs due to injury, but when I did I was using Gu gels.

Michelle said...

I usually use Glukos gummies or Sport Jelly Bean Extremes!

Anonymous said...

It just depends on what I have lying around as to what I use :)

Kylee King said...

I usually just have whatever, no favorites yet. But I'm always up for finding and trying something new!

MVB said...

Pb&honey toast before a long run, then dates or date/cashew balls for midrun fuel.

Unknown said...

Jelly Beans !

Unknown said...

I usually have shot blocks or gu. I have tried the pro bar chews and they're tasty too!

Sarah White said...

Never tried this brand before, but would LOVE to give it a shot!

Anonymous said...

I usually only use Hammer gel. I'm scared to try something that involves chewing or anything like that. I'm klutz- chewing and running?! I could get hurt.

Ashley Montgomery said...

I love a good package of shot blocks!

sarah n said...

I've always used Gu gels for long runs.

Carleeh said...

I usually use honey stinger, I got to try these once at RnR Seattle! Sarah won some at our #werunsocial meet up! I didn't know what brand they were only remembered the flavor and bright packaging! These are delicious

Carleeh said...

I usually use honey stinger, I got to try these once at RnR Seattle! Sarah won some at our #werunsocial meet up! I didn't know what brand they were only remembered the flavor and bright packaging! These are delicious

Mrs. D said...

After trying Jelly Belly Sport Beans on course at one race, I've been hooked on those!

Unknown said...

I like gummy bears, Gu with caffeine, or dried apricots. I do better with food in my belly.

Smash Runner said...

I LOVE probar!!!!

Unknown said...

Apples! thanks

Cara said...

I use GU gels for my long runs. I love the chocolate outrage flavor!

Sun said...

My go-to fuel is a Picky Bar or a banana. But I love trying new things!

Misti said...

I usually have a packet of fruit snacks .

Misti said...

I usually have a packet of fruit snacks .

Unknown said...

Hubby has been wanting to try :)

Unknown said...

Oh man Pro Bars are so awesome. Love em for all my outdoor adventures! Thanks for putting together!

Sommer Johansen said...

I started using clif bar Bloks and liked them, so that's what I've stuck with. I tried probar gels once and they kind of bothered my stomach, but that could have been because I tried the ones with caffeine. I keep meaning to try fresh fruit but I haven't yet.

Mommarunsthecape said...

I don't eat during long runs, but I always eat a Kind Bar before a long run.

Unknown said...

I am not the best fueler in the world...I use Jolly Ranchers. Yes, seriously. Hey it works for me :)

Unknown said...

I'm a gummy bears or honey stinger gal!

Unknown said...

BOLT strawberry chews are my favorite! I also mix in some peanut butter filled pretzels on occasion

dd said...

I make sure I'm fueled up before a run and don't usually like anything during a run except for fluids. Bars before or after though for sure!

chastst said...

Usually use honey stinger waffles - but always looking for something new and better

Unknown said...

Never have tried ProBar and can say I am very interested now. Several flavors I want to sink my teeth into during my midday snack!

Rosa said...

Jelly Belly Sports bean, but looking to try new options!

MollyKingsley said...

My go to fuel would be honey stinger cinnamon waffles! They give me a nice little tasty boost and are easy on the tummy!

caroline said...

Lately dates have been my go-to

Unknown said...

I usually just eat Nature Valley protein bars

Bianca @ Mitten Runner said...

I used organic pitted dates for my last race and just put them in a sandwich bag and stuffed it in my hydration pack front pouch. I have tried probar for refueling during long bike rides though and like them a lot!

Shay WLBM said...

I love having something like this in my purse for a quick snack.

Tracieg803 said...

I have tried the chews!

suzie said...


livinglovingrunner said...


Unknown said...

I've never tried ProBar. My go-to fuel is Tailwind. When going longer than 20 miles, I'll take a Huma, too.

AER-Runs said...

I use Gu Gels on my long runs as fuel!

Daisy said...

I haven't run far enough to qualify as a long run, so I don't know. It will have to be gluten free, whatever it is. Half marathon training starts in Feb, so I'm sure to learn.

Amber Ludwig said...

Usually yogurt and a granola bar.

Kaylabee said...

Right now, it's Gu gel or Honey Stingers chews. But the thought of a bar is intriguing...

Shannon Busch said...

I really like hammer gels, but have been wanting to try probar products

Unknown said...

I tried and liked the Bolt chews but i usually just have fruit snacks as my fuel since they're cheap and easy to come by. I really struggle with pre-run fuel though so I'd love to try the Base bars!

Angela said...

I snack on nuts

wen budro said...

I use honey stingers, almond butter packets, and granola bars to stay fueled during a run.

Alisha said...

I usually use Gu, honey stingers, or the powergel with extra sodium because I tend to lose too much sodium and gets headaches.

katy_dyer said...

Whole grain bread and peanut butter before and Jelly Bell Sport Beans during.

Unknown said...

Vanilla gu is the only thing I've ever used!

Unknown said...

Gu gels and honey stinger waffles.

Stephanie S said...

Right now I have stuck to GU. I have been scared to try anything else.

Unknown said...

I love Probar!

Stephanie Lesco said...

My go-to pre-race fuel is Chipotle! I love honey during races or long runs.

Rachel Hagan said...

I love using Amped Fuel, they taste just like apple sauce!

Susan Chester said...

I like a piece of fruit. A banana or apple.

Liz Mitchell said...

Pro bars a delicious!

ivieanne said...

I'm a peanut butter and gummy bears gal....but you know how much I LOVE my pro bar snacks!

Nichole Huapaya said...

My current go to is Shock Blocks, but I am always looking for new ways to fuel up on runs

Eli said...

Honey Stinger :)

Angela Saver said...

My go-to is a banana & a Kind bar!

Erika T. said...

Don't really have a 'go to' - Clif bars, bananas, whatever I have at the time. Always interested in trying a new bar!

Margaret said...

I usually go for Honey Stinger chews or dried pineapple for something sweet. If I want salty, it's peanut butter filled pretzels. yum!

Stacey said...

I usually use Gu for long runs, but when it's long enough for real food, I go with a blueberry Probar or applesauce squeezy.

blew415 said...

I usually use honey stingers-

sarah said...

I don't really have a favorite but I like dried fruit.

Alicia Parker said...

I've never tried probar, but if it's easy on the stomach I'm game!!!

Unknown said...

My go to fuel is Isagenix fuel and/or cliff bar blocks

Unknown said...

Different fuels for dinner for different people

Leah said...

I've been surviving the last year on Kroger brand granola bars! Gu makes me sick, and they are something my stomach can handle.

Latsyrc728 said...

Honey Stinger or ProBar!

Beth R said...

I am a honeystinger fan and have tried some probar but would to sample more probar options.

Brian DePersis said...

Gatorade Chews

Meesh said...

I currently use the Jelly Belly sport beans but would love to try the Bolt chews!

renata said...

A banana with peanut butter is a great running fuel!

Ray said...

Trail mix with raw nuts keeps me going.

PedsNursePatty said...

I use sports beans. I've not seen probar. Would love to try it.

Anonymous said...

I try to eat a good solid breakfast before most runs so that I don't need much during my run.

Mom Knows Best said...

I like bars like these

Unknown said...

Bananas and peanut butter.

Unknown said...

Bolt chews are my fav! Please bring new non-caffeine flavors.

Jenny said...

Most of the time, I do not eat before long runs. Just some coffee. I will occasionally have a bagel with peanut or almond butter on it, though.

jennifer said...

really whatever I have in the house -- I like the glukos chewable tabs and honeystinger chews and waffles . . haven't tried the pro bar yet

Unknown said...

I usually prefer Huma gels and Sport Beans.

Miranda K said...

I usually use Gatorade chews but sometimes I will have just a pack of fruit snacks if it's just a training run.

Krysta Jensen said...

Melaleuca Access Shakes or bars

G said...

I make a protein smoothie shake with a frozen banana, protein powder and peanut butter for fuel.

Carolyn S said...

Shakes or bars. I am not too picky. If I don't fuel properly for a race and a spectator is giving out something like pretzels or candy, I'll eat that too. At my turkey trot, someone was giving out homemade pumpkin bread...I was hungry & it was awesome. I am a slower runner and for the NYC marathon, I didn't bring enough fuel and a spectator was giving out full sized kit kat bars. I dedicate my finish to that awesome spectator and kit kat ;)

Barb said...

I go for a granola bar or a protein bar. Also a big glass of milk.

Unknown said...

I've wanted to try these for ages, but to be honest I normally just run in the morning before I even eat.... oops! :)

Shannon said...

Variety of fuels...Huma Gel, Vega, Clif and Gu. Depends on the flavor too.

Julie Waldron said...

My go to fuel is bananas.

melissa said...

I'm still trying to find a "go to." I usually use Gu or some type of gummy energy chew.

Lauren said...

I use Clif Shot Bloks.

Unknown said...

honey stinger gels and waffles! Gu is last resort:)

Unknown said...

Clif Bars and Shotbloks! I try to avoid all goo-ey foods during runs. Bars are great for post-run recovery!!!

AMC said...

I love my GU gels!

Jamie said...

I like dates, probar chews and honey stinger waffles. :)

jessiewynne said...

During a long run - GU gels (vanilla bean... YUM!) or clif shot bloks!

Katrina said...

I love having some protein to fuel me!

Renee (Runnergirl1612) said...

I like to use GU

Lauren said...

Chocolate Gu

Erica Gorman said...


Mel said...

Probars, applesauce, hammer perpetuem, quacker chewy granola bars

fran4123 said...

ThinkThink protein bites

Edye Nicole said...

I love protein bars!!


Breanna S. said...

raisins are a top choice for me along with gels and chews. I am not stuck on one brand.

mmstarla said...

I have always been a huge fan of the Gu! These look and sound awesome- such a variety!

Sadie said...

I like to use honey stinger for long runs.
Sadie B.

Unknown said...

Probars are awesome!

toolie said...

i love those honey stinger chews!
(stacey h)

Rebecca Y said...

I like Gu! My fav flavors are chocolate outrage, salted watermelon, and salted caramel.