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Apparently Instagram is just not that into me...
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So, on Saturday, I was replying to folks who had left comments on my IG pictures and received a notice that was being blocked from that feature... Well, of course I figured it was just a mistake, so tried a couple more times (replying to different people in case it was a specific account I wasn't able to post a comment to) and it put me in a MAJOR TIMEOUT!
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The picture I was replying back to folks on when a South Pole elf had enough... |
Like, I can no longer post comments (or even captions on my own pictures) until NEXT SATURDAY... Ex-squeeze me?! Of course I have tried replying to their "Tell us" option about why I think they are wrong and why they should free my account like YESTERDAY, but two days into this Instagram Jail and I am still locked up tight.
I am still able to double tap, but I can't leave a note on anyone's photo. The extra strange thing is that when I write a caption on my own pictures it deletes it on IG, yet it transfers through on Facebook and Twitter... SHWEIRD... I don't know if when my timeout is over if the captions will just magically appear or not, guess we will just have to wait and see. (I am keeping a separate note on my phone with the captions so I can go back and add them if need be.)
I guess Instagram is trying to crack down on spammers, but I AM NOT A SPAMMER (said in my best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice, similar to when he says "it's not a toomah")! Not to mention, I WAS COMMENTING ON MY OWN PICTURE! And, what really irks me is that there are still spam accounts out there, doin' their thang with no consequences and the IG "spam blockers" are catching legit accounts in the crossfire... (I have seen or heard from multiple friends who are also in detention with Instagram right now... seems like whatever filters they currently have in place are flagging the WRONG accounts.)
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We've joked that maybe it is because I post wiener pictures (if you don't follow me on IG or are new around here, I have a wiener dog named Walt!) or that someone was mad they didn't win one of my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas giveaways and reported me... But all joking aside I have no idea why I was actually blocked or if it will be cleared up before next Saturday.
With that being said, I am pulling back from IG a bit. Before this happened {and, let's be real, once it gets resolved} IG was my favorite social media platform. I'm bummed because Instagram is my JAM, but I love being able to interact with folks and without the ability to caption my photos or comment on other people's pictures it is just
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Have you ever been in Instagram Jail?
I've been on Facebook fan page jail before for uploading too many photos and replying to too many comments on said photo! So frustrating. I totally feel your pain.
I miss you there!
how crazy lol :)
That is so odd! Instagram should be celebrating dedicated users like you, not punishing them! Anyone you can complain to at instagram like, NOW?
That is so odd! Instagram should be celebrating dedicated users like you, not punishing them! Anyone you can complain to at instagram like, NOW?
I think it's crazy. Stinks that you are grounded for no real good reason.
I've been temporarily suspended for posting too often on Twitter, but that usually just lasts for like 20 minutes or something.
IG timeout is ridiculous!!! I'm currently on timeout till Wednesday the notice says. 👎🏼 I was replying to comments on my post too. But had also entered contests. 😑 - Fitaholicmom
Wow!! that sucks!! I consider myself addicted to Instagram, and would completely lose it if not able to post... so positive thoughts your way!! Boo to being blocked front the instacrack... I mean instagram.
I think I'm in Instagram jail too because I saw that this weekend! Not sure what for?? I was able to post this morning? Sorry you are blocked! :(
How frustrating! I'm glad they're trying to crack down on spammers but it sucks when you get tagged as a spammer.
Ultra-lame of IG to do that! I vote we start a #FreeCarlee campaign ;)
On my IPad or computer, I use an Instagram viewer, Iconosquare. For some reasons, they've decided to block my likes for more than one time! This has happened in the past. I was able to like via app, but not with Iconosquare. It was written because I've given too many likes (?!) but probably because they've thought I was spam....no comment. One week without likes via IPad, and I was free again...
That's so lame! They need more people actually checking the accounts because you're clearly not a spammer! I hope you get out of Insta-jail soon :).
It sucks that its not something you can immediately get resolved. Like it sucks that it happens, but its a balancing game to try and catch spammers but if you're a real person, it should be easy to prove and fix. Unfortunately, they're not doing it that way.
=] I love you... Seriously, you always find a way to make it all okay and sprinkle it with fun... the situation SUCKS and I'm sorry - but thanks for inspiring a good attitude when things don't go our way! YOU ROCK!!!
I had no idea IG puts people in jail. Sigh.
IG jail is the worst. I've never been in for a week. But I've definitely been blocked from liking or commenting. .and times that my darn captions don't save too. This post TOTALLY cracked me up. Free Carlee!
IG jail is the worst. I've never been in for a week. But I've definitely been blocked from liking or commenting. .and times that my darn captions don't save too. This post TOTALLY cracked me up. Free Carlee!
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