I just got done with an AWESOME run! It started off less than stellar (I was hoping to run 3 miles in about 24 minutes - and I missed that goal), I still had a blast. It was raining out, but on the warmer side (in the mid-60*s). Reminded me of our fun Spring soccer practices (who doesn't love slide tackling in the warm rain?!).
Anyway, since I did my half marathon on Sunday I decided I would do an easy 3 miles today (figuring my Friday runs between half marathons would be 3 miles, then 10 miles, then 3 miles for my taper). I thought I would try and push it and shoot for 8 minute miles - putting me at 24:00. Around the mile and a half mark I knew I wasn't going to hit that goal (my first mile I was at about 7:54 and then I was around 8:30 minute mile pace when I checked my watch again), so I decided instead of doing 3 miles crazy fast (for me) I would do 4 miles somewhat speedy.
I checked my watch around mile 2.5 and realized I was still sticking with a 8:30ish minute mile pace and thought I would try to see what I could do for my 5K time. Before today my PR (personal record) was 27:02. I heard my Garmin beep at mile 3 and I was at 25 minutes (a minute off what I was shooting for, but hey, still great in my book) and decided I would keep watching my GPS to see what my 5K time would be. I ended up getting the 3.1 miles in 25:45 - which is 79 seconds faster than my prior PR! I decided to try and finish strong and ended up finishing my 4 miles in 33:11 - NOT TOO SHABBY especially after doing a sub 2 hour half marathon 5 days ago!
I had a huge grin on my fast for most of the run. Not only was I running fast and feeling great, but the weather was just a hoot. The rain was hitting me in my eyes, so I would put on my sunnies, but then they would fog up, so I'd have to take them off, etc. [Maybe it is time to look into a visor or something other than my Target $10 sunglasses :)]
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