Monday, August 9, 2010

Electronics Free

Yesterday was our first 'electronics free Sabbath'. I had the idea while in Haiti. While we were in Haiti, the mission makes Sunday a real 'day of rest'. We didn't schedule any programs, didn't buy anything on the street, etc. And this isn't only for the Christians at the mission, but also for the outsiders looking in. It was cool to hear that they kept others in mind while celebrating their Sabbath. Well, I decided that it would be awesome if Ryan and I could really start celebrating the Sabbath again - no running errands, no doing work. I suggested that we do it with no electronics - meaning no computers (and returning emails), no cell phones (and sending texts), no TV (and watching mindless shows), etc. We spent the day enjoying each other and enjoying God. We went to the beach, went to the pool, played cards, read, played basketball (I won in 'horse' but then Ryan won in 'pig'), etc. I think next week I would like to add 'no buying anything'. I want to make sure that we focus on God and that He is enough.

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