Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Sorry I have been missing in action lately. Ryan's parents were here for the last two weeks (they arrived the night before Halloween and flew out Monday), which means we hung out with them during the week after Ryan got home and for both weekends while they were here. I thought I would be able to post a few yesterday or Monday, but to no avail. Monday Ryan and I went up to the Morehead's for a Supporter's Meeting. Todd and Renae have had a lot going on in the last year so they wanted to get all of their supporters together to fellowship, pray, show slide shows and share the stories of all that God has been doing in their lives (and all of the different places they have been). I ended up riding the train up to Irvine and Ryan picked me up after he got off work (so I worked, ran, shower and headed up north). Yesterday I ended up working until 4pm, so when I got home, started baking for growth group desserts, threw in a load of laundry and started dinner it was time for Ryan to get home. I think things will start to calm down now, so hopefully I will be able to keep you up-to-date on the ongoings in my life :).

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