I was hoping to ask everyone to pray for Ryan's job situation. Currently he is working one day a week at Walking on Water, helping them while they are trying to get their new movie out ready for release. The company that he was working for, UMedia, is not bringing in as many clients as they would like and therefore cannot keep him on full time (but are hopefully going to be passing some freelance his way if any comes in). Ryan has been applying at a lot of different companies (anywhere from San Diego to San Francisco). I wanted to ask if you would pray that God leads him to the job that is best for him. He just got back from Japan this past week, so his job hunt has only really started recently. Pray that he does not get discouraged and that he can find a good match for what he is looking for (and if anyone knows of any design firms out on the West Coast, feel free to pass his name along, hehe). Thanks in advance for your prayers and I will definitely keep you updated on how the job hunt is coming.
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