Sunday, April 3, 2022

Workout Recap - Week 14

Sunday, March 27th – Rest Day

Monday, March 28th – Rest Day

Tuesday, March 29th – 90 minutes of hills (walking)

Wednesday, March 30th – 6 miles of hills (walking)

Thursday, March 31st – 4 mile of hills (walking) 

Friday, April 1st – Rest Day

Saturday, April 2nd – 4 hour walk with the hubby

Another missed Sunday workout. This one was supposed to be a 13 mile run (which I would've made a 2 hour walk), but I had to work from 7am-12pm at the running store (we were having a parking lot sale so my normal hours got switched). I didn't want to fit it in before work (I would have had to be up at like 2:30am) and when I got home from work Walt and I fell asleep on the couch for over FOUR HOURS, so I guess my body needed rest over a walk... I had physical therapy on Monday and Thursday. My PT is very optimistic about my progress and very encouraging every time I come in. She can tell I am taking this serious and really care about my body and being able to run again (eventually). I am still doing all of my mileage as walks currently, but I am hoping that next week I might be able to add in some light jogging (especially since I have a trail marathon on Saturday... ;)). PS Did you notice?! I was able to talk the hubby into joining me for my LONG walk on Saturday! I may have bribed him with donuts at our turn around spot, but, hey, he still did it with me!

How were your workouts this past week?

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