Thursday, November 9, 2017

#WeRunSocial Thingamajig GIVEAWAY

I have a confession to make: I'm always late to the party... No, not to a legit shin-dig {I'm a very punctual person}... But I tend to be late to the game on trends... Maybe it's because I don't want to waste my money on something until it's tried and true... Maybe it's because I hate doing something just because "everyone else is doing it"... Whatever the case is, I tend to be late on the uptake for most things (take running for example, I didn't start this AMAZING hobby till I was 28!).


This is even the case on an item that a ton of my running friends have been swearing by for YEARS... THE BUFF!

Now, if you're like me, the first thing that probably popped in your head was being "nude"... Thankfully this post is NOT about running naked (sorry to the creepers who are now disappointed and leaving the post)... A buff is the fun-fangled thingamajig that can be used in a million and one ways. Think of them as the Swiss Army knife of running accessories.


Well, a couple months back, Brian (you probably know him as the one and only Pavement Runner) and I were chatting about a potential new #WeRunSocial product. Now, you see, the term "Buff" is trademarked, and we would NEVER want to infringe on that, so we thought about possibly creating a thingamajig that the community could rock. Not only would folks be able to rep the #WeRunSocial squad, but the product would be uber useful - #WinnerWinnerTofuDinner!

I've been rocking one for a while now (one of the perks of being married to the designer) and have seen the light! I've used it as a neckerchief and headband on runs, the hubby has rocked it as a sun guard while fly fishing and a face mask while hiking, and let's just say it comes in very handy on your wrist to wipe your nose or sweat from your face!

While wearing it during the Chicago Marathon a spectator called it a "fashion scarf" so I guess it could even be used as a mini infinity scarf ;)

Heed my warning... If you don't have one of these whatchamacallits in your running arsenal, you're missing out! I was tardy to this party, but you better believe I'm thankful I finally came around! THIS SIMPLE PIECE OF FABRIC IS A GAME CHANGER! Let me pay the "dumb tax" on your behalf and take my word for it... these are AMAZEBALLS! And, lucky for you, I've got one to give away! The game plan is to come out with a new design annually, so, like Pokemon, you gotta catch 'em all! (PS In case you aren't the lucky winner, you can grab one from Pavement Runner's store.)

Entering is easy, simply put your name into the hat via the Rafflecopter widget below (some entry options are available daily, so I would highly recommend entering early and often to have the best shot at securing this prize for yourself)!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
This giveaway will run through Monday, November 13th at 11:59pm PST. The winner will be contacted via the email address associated with their Rafflecopter account and have 24 hours to claim their prize. US Residents only. All entries are verified, so be sure to complete them or a new, random winner will be selected (don't miss out on a technicality).

What is your favorite running accessory?


Katie said...

I never run without my SPI belt.

Jennifer said...

My sports watch. I love my garmin and my fit bit

Kate R. said...

I have love those! I don't know if I have a favorite, but I love the lip gloss, that no joke, is my special running lip gloss so that I don't get chapped lips :)

Elise Matulis said...

My favorite is either my Mudlove bracelets or Momentum Bracelets to give me encouragement on my runs!

Unknown said...

I always wear my watch - I love my good sunglasses as well! :)

Leah Jones said...

I love Buffs in the winter! Last winter I somehow accumulated a few (thanks to some awesome friends) and I don't know how I ever lived without them!

Rhett said...

Think my Garmin Vivoactive is still my favorite. Though some of the newer Garmins are starting to look pretty tempting.

Unknown said...

SPI belt for sure, especially since I got a bigger phone.

Unknown said...

I always run with my flip belt :)

Anonymous said...

Momentum Bracelet and garner. Also spibelt so I don’t poke holes in my shirt.

Valarie Dennis

Mommarunsthecape said...

My Garmin and my Momentum wraps!

Unknown said...

My pro socks and sparkle athletic visor, never run without them!

Heather said...

Always my my sparkly soul headband!

Unknown said...

My Momentum wraps! Love them. :)

Unknown said...

garmin and momentum wraps!

Nicole H said...

My Momentum bracelet!

San said...

I hate to admit it: my Garmin. I am so in love with that watch! <3
closely followed by ALL THE momemntum jewelry and pretty running pants ;)

revolutionarrie said...

My Garmin

ahotsouthernmess said...

my dog!!

redaussie3 said...

my dogs!

Shay WLBM said...

No doubt, it's my boxer. Can't leave home without her!

skidoorn said...

Hmmm probably my headsweats visor, can’t leave without it but i have A few needs on my run. Visor, sunglasses, Garmin lol i was Also late to the game and discovered the buff and use it to run as well as all my winter activities :)

Little Runner Em said...

A hydration backpack! I gave in and bought one this summer for marathon training and now I can't imagine a run without it!

amie said...

My Garmin!

Terra Heck said...

The favorite I own is the Bseen LED Running Armband. Helps for running in the dark. Thanks.

Leslie H. said...

My flip belt!

Anonymous said...

My favorite accessory are my compression socks.
Sadie B.

Erica @ Erica Finds said...

For training my HB Tune hand holder for my phone. In races SPIBelt and compression socks! I love the not-a-Buff!

Unknown said...

Phone with all my podcasts to listen to!

Kristin said...

Fave = necessary because I'm practical. So, Bondi Band is it. Though wore a Buff dieting a Vets Day race today because it was red!

Julie said...

my watch

Anonymous said...

My garmin, my spibelt or my pups.

bexisrad said...

My Garmin obviously! ;) But really, I like being able to look and see how far Ive come. It's a huge boost for me.

Unknown said...

My watch and schwings!

Julie said...

My watch and phone with music.

caroline said...

flip belt!