Friday, November 10, 2017

Friday Favorites (& GIVEAWAY)

Am I the only one that seems to feel like the weeks drag on, yet the year is flying by?! I mean, really... It's almost time to put up the Christmas tree (don't hate me, but we are planning on doing it next weekend because we will be camping in Zion over Thanksgiving and we I don't want to get jipped out of those precious days of twinkle lights). This week flew by, but it's probably because last weekend was jam-packed and then I had a ton to do before we could head to VEGAS! Yup, while you are reading this we will be on our way to Las Vegas for a weekend of friends, fun and running (a 5K Saturday night and a Half Marathon Sunday night). But, without further ado, let's get onto the main event!

The New Yorker

I mentioned this on my social media accounts, but I HAD TO include it in this week's Friday Favorites as well. A couple weeks ago I was interviewed for an article in The New Yorker about running in a costume. I wasn't sure if anything would come of it, but I was doing some web browsing earlier in the week and came across the article I was quoted in! My picture isn't included, but the author does link back to a few of my past race recaps (which include some of my fave costumes) and did a fun, little blurb about me. If you haven't taken a minute to check it out, please head over and give the article some love. (And just in case you don't want to read the whole thing, my portion is the final paragraph.)


Procter & Gamble's Commercials

The hubby and I canned cable a while back. This means, when we do stream a show or game, we often don't see commercials. I follow @TheEllenShow on Instagram and she shared an upcoming P&G commercial for the winter olympics. I thought it was great (as well as another one that apparently was very controversial that was shared earlier this summer) and wanted to share them. Maybe you've seen them, maybe you haven't, but I love the message behind them. #LoveOverBias #TalkAboutBias PS Did you know my father-in-law worked for P&G for his entire career?

Knockaround x Sharpie x YOU

I saw this on the Knockaround Instagram account and squealed with excitement! I mean, who doesn't want to design their own pair of sunnies?! They partnered with Sharpie to create the ultimate collaboration (Knockaround x Sharpie x YOU). Just $20 will get you a blank canvas (aka a pair of matte white / smoke Fort Knocks) and a 24-pack of Sharpies. Then it's time to get wild, go crazy, be creative and work up your very own UV400 masterpiece. Color Your Knocks!


Operation Christmas Child

I'm sure you've heard of this program before, right?! If you haven't, Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. Around Christmas they have a program where folks can pack a shoebox with goodies (there are some restrictions on what can and cannot be included) for a child in need. Since next week is National Collection Week I thought now was the PERFECT time to share this with you!

This year they added a new option for folks who don't have a drop-off location nearby or don't have the time to get out and shop. You can build a shoebox online! Selecting the gender and age of the child, you are able to customize the box to include goodies you'd like to fill the box with - that way you are still able to personalize the gifts (you can even include a photo and personal note with it). And for those of you who would rather someone else do the shopping AND the picking for you, you can have someone else do it all with one easy click! Now you have NO EXCUSE not to help out!


MudLOVE + Charity

You all know I LOVE MudLOVE (FYI: They may be back for this year's installment of my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas, so don't miss the series at the beginning of December). Well, earlier this week I was scrolling through Instagram and saw a friend had posted a fundraiser she was doing (and had teamed up with MudLOVE)! Elise (@elise_is_ready2run) is running as a part of "Kellsie's Krew” during the Dark Side Challenge at Walt Disney World in early 2018. In the process she is raising money (and awareness) for Kellsie’s Hope Foundation. If you purchase any of the four run inspired designs (two on bracelets and two on mugs), the proceeds will be donated to her fundraising goal. If you use coupon code "RUN" you can get free shipping on orders over $50 (donations made on the site will go towards that $50). You can read about the campaign, the foundation and Elise's story HERE (as well as order the AMAZING goodies)!

And because Elise is AWESOME, she has offered up two of the bands as part of a giveaway for YOU! There will be TWO winners - each winning one of the bands (either the RUN or the GO THE EXTRA MILE bracelet). {FYI - If I could enter myself I would be ALL OVER THIS! I think I NEED all four items! #DearSanta #ISwearIveBeenAGoodGirl}

Entering is easy, simply put your name into the hat via the Rafflecopter widget below (some entry options are available daily, so I would highly recommend entering early and often to have the best shot at securing this prize for yourself)!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
This giveaway will run through Wednesday, November 15th at 11:59pm PST. The winners will be contacted via the email address on their Rafflecopter account and have 24 hours to claim their prize. US Residents only. All entries are verified, so be sure to complete them or a new, random winner will be selected (don't miss out on a technicality).

What are you loving lately?


kelly hanley said...

Yes I ran for Texas this year to help support those affected by the hurricane

Elise Matulis said...

Thank you Carlee for supporting Kellsie's Hope Foundation!

Kristin said...

Nope, not yet. Have fun races that donate all proceeds though.

Unknown said...

Yes, but just with small fundraising amounts - I've run for Autism and for Arthritis and raised funds for both.

Coach Jen said...

I've run two for charity CCFA and have coached for them, I also ran my first marathon for Stroke :)

Charlotte said...

I ran my first marathon for the hospice center that took care of my grandfather in his final days. It felt really special!

Unknown said...

Yes, I did #runfortexas to help support those affected by the hurricane.

Leah Jones said...

I ran the Marine Corps Marathon 2015 as a Girls on the Run SOLEMate and it was an amazing experience!

Krysta Jensen said...

Yes!! I use use Charity Miles app every time I walk or run and I've done online ones.

Little Runner Em said...

Lately I'm loving all the Shalane Flanagan NYC marathon highlights!

Jen said...

I think this is a lovely reminder! I trained and ran for Jill's Wish last year and it was a special experience.

GiGi Grant said...

Yes, but should think about doing it more often.

erindegroff said...

I haven't raced on behalf of a charity, but I would love to some day!

Farrah said...

I've only ever run one race (Nike Women's Marathon), so nope, but I've done Relay For Life for a few years in the past!

Unknown said...

No, I have never ran a race on behalf of charity! But that is certainly something that I would like to do someday!

Unknown said...

I love the sunnies! What an awesome idea!

Jen said...

I love Mud Love!!!

Unknown said...

I've done many races that benefit a charity, but I've never raced on the behalf of one. The sunnies are awesome!

wvmello said...

I've never run a race for charity but my first race was a Girls on the Run race! I'd love to volunteer for them!

Britany said...

I have ran for Diabetes! It runs on my mothers side of the family and I'm a strong believer in fighting for it to help save lives and encourage others to take care of themselves.

Unknown said...

I haven't raced under a charity but I don't think I've ever done a run that doesn't contribute to a charity.

Shannon said...

I have run for two different charities. I have run for the Donna Foundation and just ran for 261 Fearless at the NYC Marathon.

coup420 said...

I love to run girls on the run with my daughters

Nichole said...

Yes, I have run for the March of Dimes! And lately I'm loving the fact that there are cooler temperatures here in SoCal!

Unknown said...

I haven't ran for a charity before, but it is something I would think about

ahotsouthernmess said...

I've never run on a charity team, but most of the races I have run/volunteered for have benefited a charity. I don't have a lot of disposable income, so it's my favorite way to support charities.

Terra Heck said...

I don't run but did do a 5K walk once for United Way. My 19 yoa son regularly runs in races that support charities. Thanks.

Marisol said...

Not yet but it's definitely something I would love to do!

Unknown said...

One of my first marathons was for Charity, I worked directly with the Hydrocephalus Association who provided assistance to my godson when he was first born as well as to this day.

Anonymous said...

I've never ran a race specifically for charity. I have choose races to run based on what charity they were supporting at the time.