Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Sunshine Blogger Award

I was contacted by a fellow blogger yesterday {Chelsea at} with some pretty exciting news... she had nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. The Sunshine Blogger Award is awarded to bloggers by other bloggers who believe in their gifts and talents. This award is given to those who excel in all that they do and go above and beyond to reach their dreams and goals. Your passion matters and we want to cultivate that passion within you!

Since getting back from Chicago, I've been feeling under the weather (this normally happens after big races, it's like my body's been going at such a high level for such a long period, that once it's done, it's DONE and it thinks the only way to get me to slow down is to get me sick... which is probably the case... #AlwaysGoing), so this helped brighten my day!

With that said, Chelsea posed eleven questions to me (and ten other bloggers) when she nominated me for this fun blogger award, so without further ado, I thought I'd do my best and answer them for all of you.

1) When did you start blogging and why?

I started blogging in December of 2006 because I had recently moved across the country (I graduated from the University of Michigan in May, took a summer internship at the University of San Diego, concluded that Southern California was too amazing to leave and decided to do whatever I could to stay in the area) and wanted to keep everyone up-to-date on what was going on in my life. I thought blogging was the lazy way out... rather than emailing everyone separately... little did I know how much work running and maintaining a blog can take!

2) What is your favorite hobby? 

Running... DUH! But I also love adventuring with my hubby and pup, watching Michigan/ Detroit sports, enjoying the great outdoors, reading, listening to Christmas music, playing games, taking photos and smiling. Smiling's my favorite.

3) Are you a morning person or a night owl?

I am definitely a morning person. I can wake up at zero-dark-thirty with very little issue. I love morning running - it's so peaceful and quiet. And although sunsets are amazing, sunrises are just as spectacular (and don't get the same love).

4) Sweet or salty?

Eh... neither... both... I don't know. I can CRUSH on chips and salsa (it might be my not-so-hidden talent), but I can also have my way with some gummy snacks (I am a "fruity" kind of gal when it comes to sweets... chocolate isn't my jam).

5) What's your favorite quote/scripture that you live by?

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." 

6) What are you currently reading?

Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I finished the book I brought to Chicago on the flight there, so while exploring the city, I stopped into a used book store and looked through some options. This was one I hadn't read before, so I picked it up. I'm only about half way through it so far, but I am the type of person who can't quit a book once I start it, so I'll see it through to the end in the next couple days.

7) What is your biggest passion in life and why is it important to you?

I would say my biggest passions are running (because it makes my heart happy), encouraging others (because it makes other people's hearts happy) and Jesus (because it makes my soul happy).

8) Who inspires you the most?

My hubby (to think outside the box), my parents (to believe in myself), Mother Teresa (to love and give unselfishly), the running community (to push my limits and pursue bigger goals), and YOU (to follow what I enjoy... like blogging).

9) What is a daily ritual that you absolutely can't live without?

Breathing... it tends to be pretty important ;) But in all seriousness, one daily ritual that I couldn't live without is praising and thanking God for all of the goodness He has blessed me with.

10) Describe your perfect day from start to finish.

My perfect day would start with a gorgeous sunrise run along the beach, include lots of time with my hubby and pup exploring somewhere we have never been (and probably doing a little hammock swinging and reading once our legs got tired) and conclude with a Reese's s'more by a campfire with friends. Oh yeah, and the best Mexican food {with ALL THE CHIPS AND SALSA} would be a MUST at each of the meals!

11) What are the top 3 things on your bucket list?

Qualify and run the Boston Marathon, hike Mount Whitney and VAN LIFE!

And although I might not be following the rules and nominating eleven other bloggers to continue the chain, I would LOVE to hear your answers to any of the above questions! Make sure to leave them in the comment section below!

Which was your favorite question?

1 comment:

research paper service said...

First of all, Congratulations on getting nominated for the sunshine blogger award.You deserve this success,i have always loved your blog posts. They are truly really amazing!