Saturday, November 7, 2009

DLand Pics

Of course, Ryan and I decided to head up to Disneyland last night. I took the train up (which I love) and got to watch the sun set along the way. I got bundled up because I figured I would rather be able to take off my mits if I was too warm than have forgotten them at home if I was too cold - and I think 5 people commented on how comfy and warm I looked :). Ryan brought his camera (which has a lot more manual capabilities), so the crazy 'artsy' shots are all him :).

Riding the train, watching the sunshine:

Christmas decorations on the San Fran bridge:

Ferris wheel (and reflection where the World of Color is going in):

The mustache I picked:

Licking the DUNG BALL in Bug's Life:

C for Carlee:

Ryan's artsy firework shot:

The Haunted Mansion:

Sally and I:

The castle (Christmas snow and decor up):

ET Phone Home (just kidding, I wanted to touch Walt's finger):

The rest of the pictures here.

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