Sunday, July 21, 2019

Workout Recap - Week 29

Sunday, July 14th – 10 mile run (slow progression for the first 8 miles {not faster than 8:15/mile} then let the legs fly the last two miles)

Monday, July 15th – Rest day, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Tuesday, July 16th – 4 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Wednesday, July 17th – 7 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Thursday, July 18th – 6 mile run {2 mile warm-up, 8 x .25 mile repeats (.15 mile "on" at 7:10 pace, .10 mile "off" at 8:00 pace), 2 mile cool-down}

Friday, July 19th  Rest day

Saturday, July 20th – 10 mile run

Okay, so a few things stuck out this week... First, I need to get back on my foam rolling and stretching routing and STAT! My back has been screwy lately (due to my fibromyalgia, sleeping on a futon, home renovations, etc) and in the evenings the last thing I want to do is crawl down on the floor to get my stretch on, but I know my body needs it. Second, I'm so thankful I am in the middle of my taper because it seems like we have house stuff 95% of the day, so taking a break from running all the miles has meant I could either sleep in a bit before heading out for a run or not having to jam so much into so little time. Third, although I complain the humidity I'm so thankful we haven't had to deal with the summer weather the majority of the county has had recently - holy heatwave Batman! PS Can't believe my next ultra is less than a week away!

How were your workouts this past week?


Organic Runner Mom said...

My workouts have been lackluster due to the heat but hopefully I will get back on track this week. Good luck with your upcoming ultra!

Kimberly Hatting said...

I'm in Iowa, and we did have Batman's heat wave most of last week! Now, we're flirting with mid-60's temps and it feels cold. One extreme or the other. Best of luck on your Ultra!