Sunday, June 30th – Rest day, Stretched & Foam Rolled
Monday, July 1st – Rest day, Stretched & Foam Rolled
Tuesday, July 2nd – 4 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled
Wednesday, July 3rd – 12 mile run {5 mile warm-up, 10 x .25 mile repeats (.15 mile "on" at 7:10 pace, .10 mile "off" at 8:00 pace), 4.5 mile cool-down}, Stretched & Foam Rolled
Thursday, July 4th – 8 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled
Friday, July 5th – Rest day, Stretched & Foam Rolled
Saturday, July 6th – 26.26 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled
This week included THREE rest days (thanks to the mini recovery from last week's 50K race - although, with all of the house stuff we've been doing I wouldn't say they have been complete rest days... more like cross-training days ;))... and I was still able to get in over 50 miles of running - BOOM SHAKALAKA! I had 26 miles on the calendar for Saturday, but it's hard to run 26 miles without adding the extra .2 mile to make it an unofficial marathon... I was pleasantly surprised with my speed workout, especially since I was running my "off" portions blind (my watch wasn't showing me pace, so I was just having to pull back a little but not too much during that tenth of a mile). My long run on Saturday started great but by the halfway point I was definitely on the struggle bus. I took more walk breaks than I would have liked (more mental than physical I believe), but that's what you get when you start the run by 3:20am so you can get home and start flooring the condo by 8am... And now it's time to start tapering for the San Francisco Ultra - FINALLY!
How were your workouts this past week?
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