Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Upcoming Races / Adventures

Within the last week or two, we have added some pretty AWESOME events to our upcoming calendar. Some are races, some are meet-ups, some are adventures. I have had a hard enough time trying to keep them all a secret for this long, so I'm finally spilling the beans! I hope you'll be just as pumped as I am (and maybe will join along with us for some of them!)!


The Mesa-PHX Marathon

Hopefully you all know that the hubby is training for his FIRST FULL MARATHON! He picked the Mesa-PHX Marathon to be his first after he ran the half last year with Dave (of the infamous @fitfam6 notoriety). He has been training his tail off and I am so stinkin' proud of all the hard work and dedication he has put in thus far! No matter what the time says when he crosses the finish line on February 24th, he will be a MARATHONER! I don't think that anything will top that, but last week we did announce the #WeRunSocial meet-up. If you will be in the area (no matter if you will be running any of the races or not), you are welcome to come by, say "HI", snap some selfies, possibly win some amazing goodies, etc.

The Los Angeles Marathon

If you have been around my corner of the InterWebs for a while, you will probably remember that I was an ambassador for Conqur Endurance Group (who puts on the Los Angeles Marathon, Pasadena Half Marathon, Santa Monica Classic, etc). Although I am not on the kick-butt ambassador crew this year (I wanted to give others the opportunity to be a part of the amazing group), I will be running the Los Angeles Marathon for a third year in a row. Not only that... but SO WILL THE HUBBY! Yep, you read that right, the hubby has registered for his SECOND FULL MARATHON! HECK TO THE YES!

I don't know if you think this is as cool as I do, but if you Google "Los Angeles Marathon" MY PICTURE IS FEATURED FOR THE WORLD TO SEE! HOW AMAZING IS THAT?! I am still stoked (and a bit shocked because I don't know how it happened) and I found out about it a couple weeks ago!

The Boston Marathon

I mean, what more is there to say other than BOSTON?! I will definitely have more posts about this in the coming weeks, but now that we are starting to get an itinerary together of things that my parents, my hubby and I want to do and see while in Bean Town it's all feeling a bit more real (especially seeing as I ran my qualifying race back in October of 2016)!


Rim 2 Rim 2 Rim

So, you may be asking yourself, "WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOUR HUBBY ADD A SECOND MARATHON BEFORE FINISHING HIS FIRST AND WHY WOULD YOU PICK ONE ONLY THREE WEEKS AFTER HIS FIRST?!" Well, because we have a pretty AWESOME adventure we just added to the calendar... We're planning to run "Rim 2 Rim 2 Rim" at the Grand Canyon. This means we will start at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, run to the North Rim, then run back to the South Rim. In total it will be approximately 40-45 miles (depending on the trail(s) you take). With that said, we need to get in more training mileage and the ultra plan I was looking at had a 31 miler on the day of the Los Angeles Marathon so it made perfect sense! We don't have all of the details worked out yet (we were planning on doing all of it this past weekend but unfortunately the government shutdown has blocked that from happening...), but our goal is to do it the week after Boston. We are planning on camping and exploring while we're there, but don't have many specifics yet. We will definitely have a few more posts coming about this adventure, but I'm so stinkin' excited that I couldn't keep it to myself any longer!


The OC Marathon

I was contacted last week about running (and promoting) the OC Marathon. Although I wouldn't say it's necessarily "local" (it takes over an hour to drive there {with no traffic}), I'm STOKED to be a part of the event. I have a ton of SoCal friends who hopefully will be there, so I know it'll be a MAJOR PAR-TAY. With all of the other races/ adventures on the calendar, I think I'll stick with the half marathon distance, but whatever I do I know it'll be AWESOMESAUCE! PS I'll have a giveaway coming soon but if you want to register before then - use CARLEESAVES5 and join me in Orange County on May 6th!


Now, I'm sure there will be other races or mini adventures thrown in between now and May, but I think these are the BIGGIES (not to mention, I'm pretty sure this all will keep us SUPER busy). It's a tough life, but somebody's gotta live it ;)


What is something on your calendar that you are super excited about?


Unknown said...

Looks like an awesome year for you two!!!

Erica @ Erica Finds said...

Wow! A lot of great stuff planned! When is the OC Marathon? I've always heard great things about it.

Briana said...

Wow! Very busy and awesome few months ahead. I’ll be cheering at the LA Marathon and I’m the balloon lady (maintaining the min 16 min mile pace) for the OC Half. See you at both!

revolutionarrie said...

Alot of great stuff coming up for you! Yay! I'll be at LA and OC :)

Elle said...

Awesome!! Signed up before running his first๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’–

Erica Kolsrud said...

That is awesome! Can't wait to hear about all of these events and see you at LA!

robin parker said...

wow! what a race calendar! i thought i was doing a lot with 4 half marathons in 4 months..lol

Unknown said...

Wow! Looks like a pretty epic start to the year! I'm training for my first marathon, but I too added another one to the calendar before running my first. I'm just SURE I'll love it! ;)