Sunday, April 30th – 6 mile run (Goal: 1 @ 8:30 pace, 5 @ 7:35 pace), Stretched & Foam Rolled
Monday, May 1st – Strength Training (abs, back, legs and arms), 3.02 mile run with the hubby {30 minute run (Goal HR ~140)}, Stretched & Foam Rolled
Tuesday, May 2nd – 4 mile run (Goal was 9:45 pace), Stretched & Foam Rolled
Wednesday, May 3rd – 8.47 mile run {10 minute warm-up, 8 x 800 (@ 4:20 pace and 2:00 rest between), 2 x 400 (@ 2:10 pace and 1:00 rest between), 10 minute cool-down}, Stretched & Foam Rolled
Thursday, May 4th – 60 minutes on the stationary bike, 3 mile run with the hubby {30 minute run (Goal HR ~140)}, Stretched & Foam Rolled
Friday, May 5th – 5.22 mile run {10 minute warm-up, 5K Test (Goal HR ~160), 10 minute cool-down}, Stretched & Foam Rolled
Saturday, May 6th – Cinco de Mayo Trail 10K, Stretched & Foam Rolled
Normally Saturday is my rest day, but since our race fell on that day, I didn't get one this week (which means I will have two next week). I am pretty happy with how all of my workouts went this week, but I know next week will be tough because I've got two hard long runs and another test 5K on the docket with some fast paces... But, hey, you gotta run fast to race fast, right?! And I am ready to put in the work!
How were your workouts this past week?
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