Monday, February 20, 2017

#WeRunSocial Mesa-PHX Marathon Meet-Up

This weekend will be my THIRD time heading to Arizona to run the Mesa-PHX Marathon (although, in the past the race was simply called the Phoenix Marathon - Recap: 2015 & 2016).

Apparently I have a signature pose... Finisher picture from 2015 on the left and 2016 on the right

The 2015 Phoenix Marathon is actually where Pavement Runner's brain-child, #WeRunSocial, was born. I was lucky to be involved from the get-go, so when Brian asked me if I wanted to help host the meet-up for this year's race you know I had to say HECK TO THE YES!

Some of the crew after the 2015 race

I will be tagging along with two of the heavy-weights in the running community - Pavement Runner and RunEMZ (I don't know why they would want little ol' me to help out, but I am all about it) and we want YOU to join us!

The hosts for this year's meet-up

If you will be in the Phoenix area on this Friday afternoon you should totally come hang out (even if you aren't running in any of the races). We will be meeting at the PRO Compression booth at the the Mesa-PHX Marathon Expo (which is open to ALL) starting around 4pm. Stop by, say "HI", selfie it up and meet some AWESOME runners (who also happen to be overall AMAZING human beings).

I have a box of goodies to bring for giveaways, so just in case seeing our bright and smiling faces isn't incentive enough, you could win some goodies so should definitely put this event on your calendar!

Who will I see this weekend?

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