BARK Ranger
Let me start off by saying the hubby and I LOVE our National Parks. We have had an annual pass for the past few years and love visiting them as often as possible. With that said, it is normally difficult to bring Walt the Wiener Dog with us {which is a MAJOR bummer in our opinion} because they limit the trails and areas that animals can go (understandably so, since there are pet owners who are not responsible and who ruin it for the rest of us). Anyway, I saw this BARK Ranger program on the National Parks IG account this past week and it made me SUPER STOKED! {B.A.R.K. stands for: Bag your pet’s waste | Always leash your pet | Respect wildlife | Know where you can go} They even have ambassadors! The main purpose of the Bark Volunteer-In-Parks program is to make contacts with visitors and their pets to help everyone have an enjoyable visit. The goal is to increase awareness of positive pet behaviors and reduce the number of non-compliant dog incidents. The majority of the outreach is conducted through one-on-one interactions with park visitors. Each VIP is trained on how to approach visitors and explain the importance of being on a leash or staying in open pet areas. Although Walt may never become an ambassador, it'd be fun to get a leash badge for him on our next trip.
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Keep Nature Wild COVID Sticker
I saw this newly released Keep Nature Wild sticker and knew I had to share. I'm not about brands trying to make money off tragedy, but this sticker isn't about profit - it's about giving back! The squatch is reminding us we're all in this together! 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this sticker will go to The True Hero Fund to help nurses on the front lines!
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Virtual Races
I'm normally not one to participate in virtual races. I usually have plenty of "in person" races on my calendar to keep me training (and even if I didn't, my Type A personality is normally one that is always focused on a goal of some sort so I don't really need a virtual race to keep me motivated), but seeing as all of my races through August are currently cancelled, I decided to registered for two virtual runs last night! And I'd say these are different than the standard ones you may be used to seeing. I'm not doing them for the medal or the motivation, but as a way to be a part of the community! First up is the The Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee 1000K. This is more of a challenge than a race. The point is to run 1000K (approximately 620 miles) between May 1st and August 31st (ALL SUMMER LONG!). Although it sounds like a lot (and for some people it absolutely is), it averages out to be about 5 miles a day, which I think is totally doable. So while I don't have any races on my calendar, this challenge will make sure I continue to get my booty out the door. Second up is the East Coast vs West Coast race. Destination Trail Races led by West Coast Race Director Candice Burt and Yeti Trail Runners led by East Coast Race Director Jason Green bring you a new virtual challenge that will pit the East and West Coasts against each other in the epic battle. Obviously I chose the West Coast and will be tackling the 50K distance. You have the entire month of May to record your time (and you could even run the distance more than once if you want to better your time). The only thing left to do is decide when to run my race (maybe next Friday for my Daddy O's birthday).
Top: Laz (one of the race directors for the GVRAT1000K) / Bottom: Jason (one of the race directors for the East Coast vs West Coast) |
Brooks Donations
Although I am currently not working for Carlsbad's Running Center (they had to lay us all off when the Stay At Home Order was enacted) nor am I an ambassador for Brooks, I still had to share about this AWESOME campaign. Between now and May 10th, Running Center will donate a pair of Brooks shoes to a local healthcare worker for every purchase of $150 or more on Brooks shoes. Not only does Brooks help runners #RunHappy, but they are also helping to make those on the frontlines of COVID-19 just a little more comfortable. PS You can still shop online at Running Center's online store and have the gear shipped FOR FREE! You can also use code $104U to save $10 off your purchase of $75 or more.
What are you loving lately?
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