Sunday, April 19, 2020

Workout Recap - Week 16

Sunday, April 12th – 4 mile run with the hubby, Foam Rolled and Stretched 

Monday, April 13th – 13.13 mile run

Tuesday, April 14th – 7.5 mile run, Foam Rolled and Stretched

Wednesday, April 15th – 75 minutes of yoga, 3 mile run with the hubby, Foam Rolled and Stretched

Thursday, April 16th – 150 minutes on the stationary bike, Foam Rolled and Stretched

Friday, April 17th  17.17 mile run and Stretched

Saturday, April 18th – 10.2 mile run, Foam Rolled and Stretched

Surprisingly the body felt great after a week of 55 miles (Saturday morning I tallied my miles, saw where I was, and decided to go for 55, hence the 10.2). I've still been doing my daily core workout (via the Peloton app - I restarted it since I just finished the 4 week program) and 30 burpees (the hubby started this at the beginning of quarantine and although we normally don't do them together, we are both doing them). I've gotta say though, I'm getting pretty bored with the same running routes... Hopefully once the "stay at home" orders are able to be lifted I can find some peaceful trails to hit.

How were your workouts this past week?

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