Sunday, February 16, 2020

Workout Recap - Week 7

Sunday, February 9th – 10.20 mile run

Monday, February 10th – 10.10 mile run

Tuesday, February 11th – 4.14 mile run

Wednesday, February 12th – Rest Day

Thursday, February 13th – 105 minutes on the stationary bike

Friday, February 14th  8.08 mile run

Saturday, February 15th – 10 mile run

I realize I'm a "spoiled" runner when the temps get around the 40* zone and I bust out a sweatshirt to throw on over my long-sleeve shirt and a pair of gloves ;) This was a cut-back week for me, which is great seeing as last week I had a marathon (even if it was "just a training run"). I'd love to say my body feels great but my Fibro seems to be hating me recently (randomly in my tongue and the base of my skull)... Here's to hoping things start settling down again because I've got a peak week mileage-wise next week before I start to taper again for the LA Marathon and the Old West Trails 50K.

How were your workouts this past week?

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