Sunday, February 4, 2018

Workout Recap - Week 5

Sunday, January 28th – 14 mile run with the hubby, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Monday, January 29th – 12 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Tuesday, January 30th – 10 mile run with the hubby, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Wednesday, January 31st – 60 minutes on the stationary bike, 5 mile run with the hubby, 2.5 mile solo run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Thursday, February 1st – 11.5 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Friday, February 2nd – 5 mile run with the hubby, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Saturday, February 3rd – Rest Day

A sixty mile week?! WHO AM I?! Well, I guess I am someone who is training for three marathons within a 7ish week span (and then adding a 46 mile run less than two weeks after the last full), HA! The hubby and I are planning to start adding in a lot more hills and elevation training after he finishes his first full at the end of the month, but in the meantime I am making sure to keep my mileage up (while, at the same time, listening to my body and doing my best to keep it happy).

How were your workouts this past week?

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