Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Refer A Sparkly Friend & You Could Win 100 Headbands

Sparkly Soul is at it again! (And you better believe I am entering to win because I LOVE my Sparkly Soul headbands!)

Enter to win 100 Sparkly Soul headbands through this Friday, November 27th, 11:59pm PST by REFERRING A SPARKLY FRIEND! 

To enter:

(2) COPY (no BCC) a friend on the email: you will get an entry for each friend copied
(3) Include the following text:
“Happy Holidays! Check out my favorite headbands … Sparkly Soul Full-Elastic Headbands (@SPARKLYSOULINC) at www.sparklysoul.com. They are full-elastic with no piece of black elastic in the back like all other headbands on the market! You can enter to win 100 headbands too by emailing referafriend@sparklysoul.com and copying your friends – you will get an entry for each friend you copy (no BCC). 1 winner chosen and announced on social media on 11/30!” 
#sparklysoulheadbands #win100headbands #nopieceofblackelasticintheback #tistheseason

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