Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Recent Races

I received word a few days ago that our pictures from the Vista Strawberry Festival 10K race were available. I am slightly disappointed that there are very FEW pictures with Ryan and I together, especially since we ran next to each other for like the entire race!

You can see Ry over my shoulder in this one!

This was a bit of an uphill, so Ryan wasn't looking at the photographer :)

You can see about a fourth of Ryan in this one...

Oh, there he is, but only my elbow...

Cute, but where is my hubby?

I even thought I would get a picture of me pointing at how awesome he was doing...

I swear I was NOT doing the Carleton...

Caught a finger of mine and the bottom of Ryan...

THERE WE ARE... In the background of this woman's picture...


Just give me my berries...

Ryan got a new 10K PR, but was spent!
Oh yeah, and then I got an email that my Finisher Certificate was ready for download for the OC Half Marathon I ran a few weeks ago. You would think with 4 weeks, they would have gotten them right... But although I ran the HALF Marathon in 1:52:39, the certificate says that I ran the FULL Marathon in 8:11:35... WHAT THE CRAP?!

I guess I am glad this was just a "free perk"
I normally don't buy many race pictures (I bought a bunch of the ones from my first half marathon since it was a BIG deal for me) or print off my finisher certificates or anything, but still, it would be great if they were nice and correct :)

Do you buy the official race pictures? What do you do with your finisher certificates? 

1 comment:

The Silent Assassin said...

I like Ryan's style when he poses...#tsaShootDaShaka. Hey, 8 hours?! You know that lady who's 91 beat you right?! She finished in 7 hours =). Was nice meeting you this weekend!