Monday, July 1, 2024

Workout Recap - Week 26

Sunday, June 23rd  5 mile run with the hubby

Monday, June 24th –  60 minutes on the stationary bike 

Tuesday, June 25th –  4.24 mile run

Wednesday, June 26th – HIIT workout

Thursday, June 27th – Rest Day

Friday, June 28th  Rest Day/ Donate Blood

Saturday, June 29th – 3 mile run with the hubby

Technically I "skipped" one workout this week (a 60 minute bike ride on Friday), but I will 'blame' it on donating blood. My mother-in-law and youngest nephew were in town and they (along with the hubby) went to Disneyland for the day on Friday. I was planning on jumping on the bike after work while I watched some TV since I'd be home alone, but had a headache when I got home so figured I'd drink extra water and rest up after helping to save lives. Since I'm not currently training for anything (other than life ;)), I'm all about listening to my body when it whispers so it doesn't have to scream.

How were your workouts this past week?


abo777 said...

thumbs up good content sir, keep moving and dont be negative ! Can add some article more sir?

abo777 said...

thumbs up awesome content sir, keep Share the positive content ! Can add some article more sir?

aboplay said...

good article sir, your hand writting so wholesome :) Thanks For Sharing

Abowin88 said...

Awesome! good hand writting keep posting, share good vibes sir ! Thank you !

Abowin88 said...

good article keep it up bro, You have article similliar like this sir?

abo777 said...

Thats a good content, pls keep update dont be negative.. Want some money? try us !

aboplay said...

This article so awesome btw, keep posting sir :) hard to earn money? try us !