Sunday, November 26, 2023

Workout Recap - Week 47

Sunday, November 19th  Rest Day

Monday, November 20th – 45 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, November 21st – Rest Day

Wednesday, November 22nd – Rest Day

Thursday, November 23rd – Rest Day

Friday, November 24th  Rest Day

Saturday, November 25th – Rest Day

I'll be honest, I'm a bit disappointed in myself when I look at this recap, because I know how much I love running, but I've gotta be real. Recently my body has been a bit 'off' while trying to get my thyroid under control, so running (or even waking up early) has took a backseat to getting back to "myself" again. I'd say that it's slightly skewed because we were camping about an hour north of San Francisco from Tuesday night through late afternoon on Saturday, but this is still what it is. 

How were your workouts this past week?

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