Sunday, August 16, 2020

Workout Recap - Week 33

Sunday, August 9th – 14 mile run with the hubby

Monday, August 10th – 90 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, August 11th – 10 mile run

Wednesday, August 12th – 90 minutes on the stationary bike

Thursday, August 13th – 10 mile run

Friday, August 14th  10 mile run

Saturday, August 15th – Rest Day

Holy heat and humidity Batman. Normally running early in the morning (right around sunrise) tends to give me a little reprieve from the weather, but not this week. The humidity has been killer and it is zapping me of just about all of my energy. I have been rather proud of myself, though, because although I would prefer to run more often than I am, I am doing my best to not do too much too quickly and still am trying to stick with running every other day until I know that my foot/ ankle is 100% healed from the major roll. I know my numbers aren't what I normally would love to see (both my paces and my mileage run), but I am going to be grateful for every step I can take (especially if they are pain-free!).

How were your workouts this past week?

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