Sunday, May 31st – 90 minutes on the stationary bike, Foam Rolled and Stretched
Monday, June 1st – 45 minute yoga class
Tuesday, June 2nd – 21 mile run, Foam Rolled and StretchedWednesday, June 3rd – 8.46 mile run
Thursday, June 4th – 6.35 mile run, Foam Rolled and Stretched
Friday, June 5th – 8.46 mile run, Foam Rolled and Stretched
Saturday, June 6th – 18.88 mile hike/ run with the hubby
Oh golly gee, I didn't want to post this because I didn't want to acknowledge it, but about 3 miles from the end of our hike yesterday I rolled my ankle... and BAD! A rock I was standing on shifted and when I jumped off of it, I landed on the outside of my left foot, stepping down with all of my weight. I was able to make it back to the car (thanks to adrenaline and a stubborn attitude), but it swelled to about twice its normal size and is pretty bruised. I am hoping it is "just" a rolled ankle, but seems like for the next couple days I'll be pretty laid up... so rest, ice, compression and elevation it is.
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