Sunday, July 26, 2015

Workout Recap - Week 30

Sunday, July 19th – 13.1 mile run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Monday, July 20th – 8 mile progression run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Tuesday, July 21st –  Strength Training (abs, back, arms and legs), Foam Rolled & Stretched

Wednesday, July 22nd –  4.5 miles of Yasso 800s, 3 mile run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Thursday, July 23rd – 16.75 mile bike ride, 5 mile (pace) treadmill run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Friday, July 24th – 16 mile run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Saturday, July 25th – REST DAY, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Holy guacamole! A 49.6 mile week?! WHAT THE CRAP?! Oh yeah, my long run from the previous week (13 miles) ended up on this week because life happened and I had to rearrange some things. Still kind of crazy that I got in close 50 miles of running logged!

How were your workouts this past week? 


  1. Great work Carlee! You did lots of miles this past week, wow!!!
    Last week I went for my 2k swimming, then 3 times running, ending with my long run on Sunday: 15k.
    I think I'll try a short trail run this week, depending on weather, that isn't really good, starting from tomorrow..let's see!

  2. I'm tired just reading that!
    Way to go - that's so awesome!!
