Sunday, May 12, 2024

Workout Recap - Week 19

Sunday, May 5th  5K with the hubby 

Monday, May 6th –  HIIT workout

Tuesday, May 7th –  60 minutes on the stationary bike

Wednesday, May 8th – 6.8 mile run (for my padre's 68th birthday)

Thursday, May 9th – 60 minutes on the stationary bike

Friday, May 10th  Rest Day

Saturday, May 11th – 10 mile run

Pretty proud of the way this week ended up. Did all my workouts I had scheduled, body didn't feel too terrible (more from my Fibromyalgia than my workouts), so I'll consider it a win. Here's to continuing to add hay to the barn (or something ;)).

How were your workouts this past week?

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Walt Wednesday

Some people do a "Wordless Wednesday" post, where they simply share a photo or image, but I thought I'd make a little series out of my Wednesdays. And since I love alliteration so much, why not go with Walt Wednesdays (obviously everyone can use a little break from the seriousness, scariness and sassiness of life - and what better way to help put a smile on your face than with a cute wiener dog picture, am I right?!)... So, without further ado...


When life gets overwhelming, how do you de-stress?

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Workout Recap - Week 18

Sunday, April 28th  Rest Day 

Monday, April 29th –  60 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, April 30th – 4 mile run 

Wednesday, May 1st – HIIT workout

Thursday, May 2nd – 4.44 mile lunch run

Friday, May 3rd  Rest Day

Saturday, May 4th – 60 minutes on the stationary bike

The game plan originally was to run 10ish miles on Saturday, but I woke up with a gnarly headache in the morning, took some tylenol and then got an upset tummy, so decided to scrap the run and stick to the bike (in case I needed to take a break after 20 minutes or have a restroom nearby). Other than that (and the fact that the hubby were driving home from Moab for 13 hours on Sunday and weren't able to get in a run or much activity other than a mile doggy walk), everything seemingly went according to plan. Here's to the routine getting more concrete and my body getting on board with it all.

How were your workouts this past week?