Sunday, May 22, 2022

Workout Recap - Week 21

Sunday, May 15th – 8 miles of walk 1 mile, jog 6 miles, walk 1 mile

Monday, May 16th – Rest Day

Tuesday, May 17th – 4.2 miles (my PT gave me the go ahead to JOG IT ALL, but it had to be on flat ground)

Wednesday, May 18th – 15 miles of walk 1 mile, jog 6 miles, walk 1 mile, jog 6 miles, walk 1 mile

Thursday, May 19th –  6 miles of .5 mile walk, 5 miles jog, .5 mile walk

Friday, May 20th – Rest Day

Saturday, May 21st – Bishop High Sierra Ultras 53K

I'm super stoked at how the body is responding to PT. Sure, it's taking longer than I would've liked, but as long as I'm healthy and able to run I'll take an extra month of PT if I need it. We're getting into the thick of the 100-miler training, as you can see by the higher mileage, but I'm listening to my body (and my PT) and STILL able to get in all of the mileage (even if some of it is walking instead of running). Here's to continuing to progress (and getting released from PT). 

How were your workouts this past week?

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