Tuesday, September 11, 2018

#Carlees34 Recap {34 Acts of Kindness}

In case you don't follow me on social media (or maybe you found this post from searching for "Acts of Kindness"), then maybe you don't know I spent the 34 days leading up to my 34th birthday doing at least one intentional act of kindness per day. I called the project #Carlees34 and it was my small attempt at spreading a little extra love to those around me. I know it may seem outlandish to some, but I truly believe that one person (and one act) CAN and DOES make a difference!

Here are the 34 ideas I implemented, in case you're looking to pay it forward to those around you. {PS I'm not sharing this as a way to toot my own horn or get any type of acknowledgment, I'm simply hoping it'll inspire others to do the same.}

34 Intentional Acts of Kindness

  • Sponsor a child through World Vision
  • Make bookmarks and "hide" them in library books
  • Take cookies to local police officers
  • Leave cold water on a running/ biking trail

  • Create a Charity Miles account to help raise money when running/ biking/ walking/ hiking
  • Clean up trash at the beach
  • Write and mail 34 notes to friends

  • Spread the word about rare chromosome disorders and donate Chromosome Disorder Outreach
  • Paint encouragement rocks and leave them around town
  • Send a postcard to a cancer patient

  • Take candy to the employees at our favorite restaurant 
  • Donate dog treats and toys to the local Humane Society

  • Buy car washes for people at the gas station
  • Take family friends to a live taping of one of their favorite TV shows
  • Make blessing bags for homeless friends (and keep them in the car)

  • Buy groceries for the local food pantry
  • Write encouraging chalk notes on running/ biking trails
  • Volunteer at Feeding San Diego

  • Pass along books we've finished to people who will share them once they're done
  • Pack an Operation Christmas Child box
  • Buy pizza for homeless friends

  • Buy coffee for the car behind us
  • Acknowledge everyone I come in contact with

  • Take donuts to local firefighters
  • Create a thank you box for delivery drivers
  • Hide toys at playgrounds and donate to a school's playground fund

  • Host a giveaway of runner's goodies

  • Bake cookies for neighbors
  • Take books to a local children's hospital
  • Delivery flowers to an elderly care facility

And, although the 34 days are officially over, that doesn't mean I will stop my acts of kindness. In fact, I hope this is a lifelong campaign... one that I hope you will join me in continuing! These acts don't have to cost a ton of money or be some grandiose plan, every tiny smile or kind word helps. As Mother Teresa once said, “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” Hold the door for a stranger, give a compliment to a friend, call your mom, etc. We can make a difference in the lives of people around us! LET'S MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE! 

What's your favorite way to spread a little extra kindness to those around you?

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED following along with your acts of kindness! It definitely helped encourage me to do my own acts of kindness. I have been packing to move so I focused on donating a lot of items I no longer use or need to the appropriate places instead of just throwing them out. I also passed along books I had already read to friends who I knew would enjoy them! Thanks for the inspiration! I hope to use your list of acts of kindness as ideas for my own acts!
