Friday, July 27, 2018

Friday Favorites

Please tell me I'm not the only one who felt like Friday was taking FOR-EV-ER to get here... Anyone else?! Anyway, it's time to celebrate because IT'S HERE! And it's time to share some of my favorite things with some of my favorite people!

#Boston4Rett Recap Video

The sweet Jolie put together a quick recap video of our #Boston4Rett adventure. I know the race went down a couple months ago, but I just received my finisher certificate in the mail earlier this week and Jolie just finished editing this craziness together so I wanted to share it with you! The clip is about 10 minutes long, but hopefully you have the time to watch it through. I can't help but tear up every time I see it. And, if you feel so inclined, please consider giving (or learning more about Rett Syndrome, the girls and boys we ran for, the research being done, etc) at


The FitFam6 crew is back at it again, getting #Active4Asher. On August 18th they are going to host a local gathering so folks up in the Elk Grove area can get together and run to raise awareness for not only Asher's rare chromosome deletion but also for inclusion as a whole. They will start at the Miwok Park and hope to hit additional parks along their run. If you won't be in the Elk Grove area, you can always join in virtually (which is what I will be doing) by using the hashtag #Active4Asher. PS You can read all about past #Active4Asher days in previous posts {2015, 2015 Recap, 2016, 2017}. Make sure to follow @FitFam6 on IG to stay up-to-date on everything going on and how you can participate!

Ryan has always wanted to be part of the crew... he considers himself the seventh member of the family ;) 

rabbit Lady Duke Shorts

I did a review (and giveaway) for rabbit a few months back. I am still loving the gear I was sent, and now they just released some new "Lady Duke Shorts" that I have my eye on. You all know I love me some bright colors, so these new colorways are pretty perfect - capri breeze and very berry! I do prefer the "Catch Me If You Can" shorts since they are a tad shorter, but the color blocking on these are so fun that they will definitely be on my "must have" list for the near future! PS If you are ready to place your first order with rabbit, you can use THIS LINK and save $10!

What are you loving lately?

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