Tuesday, January 16, 2018

MudLOVE Custom Sale

You know how much I love MudLOVE, right?! {They were the brand behind Day 10 of my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas, so head there to hear me sing their praise if you need a refresher.} Not only are their products AWESOME, but they're doing AMAZING things for others! You see, every product purchased provides one week of safe, clean water to someone in need. All of this is made possible through Water for Good and their continual work to transform one of the world’s most neglected countries, the Central African Republic. So, the decision to shop MudLOVE is really a decision to change lives.


When my contact reached out and asked me if I would be willing to spread the word about their upcoming sale I didn't even have to think twice - HECK TO THE YES I WILL! Not only do I love to support brands who give back and are making a difference, but if a brand also supports me I will do just about anything I can in my power to help them succeed.


For the month of January, the "Mud of the Month" (aka the awesome deal MudLOVE is offering to you) is on CUSTOM products! All custom orders are on sale (and cost the same price as the classic items)! The custom bands are normally $14, and you can score one for $10. The custom mugs usually cost $28, but for a limited time you can grab one for $20.



And because MudLOVE is AMAZEBALLS, they even offered to send the hubby and I a few custom pieces which was totally NOT necessary, but always much appreciated! They offered up a couple mugs and bands - how awesomesauce?! 


The hubby and I both got to select a custom saying (and glaze color - which they have recently added new options) for our hand-tossed mugs. I decided to go with "mcdot" in light shino and the hubby went with "Mug Life" in steel gray. I absolutely love how they turned out! I am not a big coffee drinker (although the hubby is), but with the cooler temps I'm stoked to fill up my new mug with some hot cocoa (and will totally use it for ice cream in the warmer weather #RealTalk)!

The hardest part was picking what to put on the bracelet. There are already so many awesome classic bands, but I wanted something original and personal. I even put a call out on social media, asking folks to describe me in one word.


Also, trying to boil inspirational quotes down to one or two words can be darn near impossible. I would have loved to use something like "Nevertheless, she persisted", "To live will be an awfully big adventure", "They tried to bury us, they did not know we were seeds", "She believed she could so she did", "Do small things with great love", "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud",  etc, but with the limited amount of space, it was hard to make them fit and still get the point across.

Source: Left / Center / Right

I think the bands I finally decided on are pretty perfect if I do say so myself (let's be real, it took me DAYS to narrow down the infinite possibilities and decide on the ones to order). I cannot wait to start rocking them around town!

PS I'm pretty sure I will wait to wear the "boston <3" band until the marathon in April!

Like I mentioned, the current sale consists of all their Custom productsbands and mugs — being the same price as their Classic products (what a steal!). Custom bracelets are $10 instead of $14, and Custom mugs are $20 instead of $28 (almost 30% off each!). These prices will only last through the end of January, so make sure to place your order NOW! PS They make amazing gifts {whether you're treating yourself or stocking up for different holidays}, so grab them today!


What is one or two words that you would put on a custom mug or bracelet?

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bracelets!!!! I am ordering a few!!!
