Thursday, September 21, 2017

Mammoth Moments

For those of you who don't follow me on Instagram, you probably don't know that the hubby, pup and I made our way north to the Mammoth Lakes area this past weekend. Seeing as the hubby is currently full-time freelance (as opposed to in an office 9-5), we have had a lot more flexibility with our schedules and want to adventure as much as possible.

Of course Walt was "too cool" to look at the camera... He was actually focused on all of the free-range cows walking about.

I posted a couple of the pictures I snapped during our camping trip on Instagram (or on my IG stories), but we were running low on data for the month so we tried to limit our connection as much as possible (not to mention it is AMAZING to unplug). Now that we're back "on-the-grid" I thought I'd share some of the pictures we took along our journey.

We left Thursday afternoon (pulled out of Oceanside around 1pm), stayed on some BLM land Thursday night, hiked around Parker Lake and drove the June Lake loop before checking into our campsite Friday afternoon.

The pup doesn't want to miss out on anything... 

Friday morning when we woke up we were shocked at how chilly it was... Hovering around 32*, so Walt tried
soaking up as much sun as he could and the hubby made a warm breakfast of Kodiak Cakes

I did a quick Google search of "dog-friendly hikes in Mammoth" and found Parker Lake

It was a 2 mile hike to the lake and then 2 miles back to the car.

Walt normally doesn't love longer distances, but he rocked it!

The views were pretty hard to beat! Definitely worth the hike!

The river ran along next to the trail for the majority of the trip. So peaceful!

Still snow on the mountains... And I bet more is on its way in the next couple weeks!

The open road

Some of the treasures we found while hiking around for the day #CarleesTreasures

The boardwalk out to Mono Lake

Not sure if you can see the limestone pillars in the right portion of the lake, but they form
underwater and are poking out now... The lake used to be a lot higher!

The sunsets were hard to beat! And impossible to capture the true beauty!

But they left us smiling from ear to ear while experiencing God's greatness!

One of my favorite shots Ryan snapped of the #AdventureMobile

Saturday morning I ran around the campgrounds (running in 33* weather at 6,850 feet above sea level is no joke) before we made our way to Lake George for the morning and then sightseeing and bouldering in the afternoon. Ryan also tried his hand at a bit of fishing on the Owen's River, but wasn't having much luck with the set-up he had going on.

2 warm-up miles, 4 miles @ 7:35, 2 cool-down miles

I told Ryan this was going to be Walt's rap cover shot ;) #ThugLife


We love us some Smokey the Bear so obviously we stopped on the freeway for a picture or five ;)

Hiked around Lake George. Although it was only about a mile and a half, it was all bushwhacking and mud puddles... 
Walt normally doesn't go in the water, but he kept charging in to dive for sticks. We loved it!

The hubby didn't do much climbing, but he got in a couple fun routes

I couldn't have said it better myself... America's Playground!

Watching another sunset with the pup while Ryan threw his hook into the river

Hubby had a filter on the lens for this shot, which is why it seems a little more brownish/ yellow.

Ryan loves playing with the camera, so I end up being his test subject most of the time... This picture actually turned out fun!

The clouds rolled in so they obscured the subset a bit, but it was still amazing to watch the sky go to sleep

Sunday morning we packed up and made our way back home (getting stuck in a bit of traffic due to some accidents, making the six hour road trip more like seven or eight, but ah well - it's all just part of the adventure, right?!).

It was a quick trip, but any time you can get out to see somewhere new (I had never really been to the Mammoth area) and enjoy God's creation is time WELL SPENT in my book! We will definitely be back (as in next weekend with friends)!

Have you ever been to Mammoth Lakes?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the Mammoth area is so beautiful. I love that you got away for a few days. Next time you go, you should make the trip and check out Devil's Postpile National Monument... check it out! It's so cool!
