Sunday, January 17, 2016

Workout Recap - Week 3

Sunday, January 10th – 5 mile run (in the SF hills)

Monday, January 11th – 5 mile progression run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Tuesday, January 12th –  Strength Training (abs, back, arms and legs), 5 treadmill mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Wednesday, January 13th – 19.65 mile bike ride, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Thursday, January 14th –  8 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Friday, January 15th –  12 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Saturday, January 16th –  Rest Day, Stretched & Foam Rolled

My legs have felt like a million pounds this week and I have no idea why. I have to say, I was THRILLED to not have a 20-miler this week (although the one next week will come soon enough I'm sure). I think I need to take a little extra time stretching and rolling this week (and maybe even laying with my legs up on the wall).

How were your workouts this past week? 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome week! I can only imagine the toll the SF hills must take on your legs. How do you like your Skechers? I'm thinking of trying a pair!
    My early runs last week were great, then I got sick and it was more about simply getting the miles done.
